bugfixes galore

  1. Recursive

    New BETA Version - 4.10 (June 25, 2024)

    Hey all, New version inbound. This one will be a beta because there are tons of changes, some of them potentially unstable, that need to be tested. This contains most of the proposals from VP Congress Session #7, including all proposals that change civilizations. That means huge balance...
  2. Recursive

    New Version - 4.6.2 (April 19, 2024)

    Hey all, New version inbound. Mostly bugfixes from 4.5.1 and earlier versions. I hereby declare 4.6 to be stable and no longer a beta. A really big thank you to @axatin for doing all the work in compiling this release, and just generally doing a lot around here recently. :hug::goodjob: Sorry...
  3. Recursive

    New BETA Version - 4.5.1 (February 28, 2024)

    Hey all, New beta version inbound. Few balance changes in this one, mostly bugfixing. I am also back from my long hiatus where I was dealing with rather intense personal issues - thank you for your patience, everyone. I intend to be active in hotfixing issues for the next while. As for the VP...
  4. Recursive

    New Version - 4.2.7 (October 30, 2023)

    Hey all, New beta version inbound, containing all changes from 3.10.14 as well as many more. @azum4roll has completed the Complete Merge project, which signals the beginning of the Vox Populi 4.0 era. This has been a huge endeavor largely on his part (with contributions from @N.Core and myself...
  5. Recursive

    New Version - 2.6 (August 16, 2022)

    After installing this version with the autoinstaller, please see this post for a DLL replacement that fixes crashes: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/new-version-2-6-august-16-2022.678491/page-7#post-16324903 Hey all, New version inbound. We discovered and fixed a lot of bugs over the...
  6. Recursive

    New Version - 1.2.1 (November 23, 2021)

    New version inbound. Lots and lots of bugfixes and backend improvements in this one, including fixes for several longstanding bugs. Changelog, including a huge list of bugfixes midway through: [General] Community Patch is now v100, (2)-(5) mods' versions raised by 1 - Future savegame...
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