So China is represented as Han in the Antiquity Age and Ming in the Exploration Age. For the Modern Age, we don't know how it's represented yet, but some people believe it's going to be Qing. This feels very strange, especially if its Modern Age representation is really going to be Qing.
Three Civilizations are China Locked on this map. This is where you start on a small continent and China is completely surrounding you and building the Great Wall (to lock you in?) Thankfully, it isn't a closed loop. If you play someone here, you'll get rich from coastal raiding the great wall...
One Mans Horse Shoe is another mans Toilet Seat...
What does it mean to be China locked? This is where you start on a small continent and China is completely surrounding you and building the Great Wall (perahps to lock you in?) Thankfully, it isn't a closed loop. If you play someone here...
The four-hundred-and-fifth episode of PolyCast, “Unless You Count the Launcher“ is now available for streaming on This episode features regular co-hosts CanusAlbinus, Stephanie “Makahlua”, Phil "TheMeInTeam", and Jason "MegaBearsFan". Topics for this episode include:
A scenario based on KOEIs popular games set in China after the Han dynasty collapse by Martin Roger.
Mod files rescued from DSquared's Zandanian League backups and repacked in 7zip by Blake. Successfully tested in Civ2 MGE. Blake added some fantasy terrain graphics from the Microprose FW...
The post Ukrainian war situation seems ripe for its own discussion thread. To launch that I grabbed a piece from the WSJ that looks ahead and the complex issues involved.
The pdf is a chart related to the article. that is the only way to grab it.
How the West Can Win A Global Power Struggle...
China is in my game and it has a city called Taiyuan...
Has the CCP bribed Sid Meyers?
As you know China has annexed the city state of Hong Kong leading to many leaders denouncing them, as well they have launched an inquisition with inquisitors against Uighurs in their lands.
It was an interesting game with a few twist as I tried to get as many Heroes and or Hero Relics as possible.
Play List:
This new content pack introduces Bà Triệu as the leader of Vietnam and Kublai Khan as an alternate leader of either China or Mongolia. Also included is the new Monopolies and Corporations game mode, as well as a new district (The Preserve), with new buildings (the Grove and the...
Great General and Pikeman. Based off art for the Great Wall movie.
A flavor unit to give you a more historically accurate Xia Dynasty Warrior unit for all Sino derived culture groups.
MightyToad did the skinning and rigging, while I finished up the textures and modeled the unit. :) More great teamwork making units for your game.
You know? i have thinking a something for a very long time, isn't me or that Late Chinese History is been overlook on this civ 4 modding community? I mean... that's is shame, because Modern Chinese like the Qing dynasty and Republic of China is always fascinating to me even more than any Time...
Zhu Yuanzhang
Ability: Rise of the Peasant Emperor
+50% Production towards City Center buildings.
Controlling at least 8 Granaries and 8 Ancient Walls (or Urban Defenses) grant 8 Skirmishers, permanent full Loyalty in all cities, and maximum Diplomatic Visibility with every encountered...
Zhao Kuangyin
Ability: Harness the Warlords Great Generals cannot be earned. Building an Encampment triggers a culture bomb and grants a free anti-cavalry unit. The city with the Government Plaza gains three unique projects which provide bonuses with respect to policy slots and...
Li Shimin
Ability: Immortalized Confidants
Killing an enemy unit grants +1 Great Person points of every type.
Recruiting or patronizing Great People provides 1 copy of Legacy specific to the Great Person type. Each type of Legacies provides 6 Amenities, and +2 Strength to Chinese units...
It doesn't look I'll be getting anywhere... for a very long time. Map is huge Tilted Axis, Immortal.
I saved the advanced setup of leaders and victory conditions I picked.
Tried restarting, but I just get the same thing.
Is this even playable? I'd have to beeline science for embarking before I...
This is my first Civilization VI mod, and I would like to share it on this forum for advice and improvement.
Adds Liu Che, Han Wudi (the Martial Emperor of Han Dynasty), as an alternate leader for China.
Liu Che
Ability: Silk Road Expeditions
Every original Capital under your control grants...
Travels in China
In a complete knockoff of Warpus’ great travel threads, I will recount my 2018 trips to China. My adventures there are really three different trips. The first two were combined and the third involved a second flight overseas. This was my first trip to Asia.
Ask anything you...
Hello! This is my first full mod I've been working on!
-Han Dynasty-
Ability: Shiji Legacy - Campus districts, theater districts, and holy sites gain 1 culture per building, including the base district when a Shiji is built in the city. Shiji buildings and religion specific...
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