
  1. Lohrenswald

    Christian afterlife

    unusual thread, but I've had this on my mind for a while, and while my preference would be asking a theologian of some kind, or "christian historian" or someshuch, I think asking the "general public" can be interesting too. Now I've never studied christianity hard. I had classes in school, but...
  2. Louis the XIV

    The Last Crusade 2020-07-27

    Even thought the name sounds cool do not expect anything too good! This was my 2nd mod ever so it has a lot of mistakes and is not as good as you might expect. The Last Crusade: In this mod there is one Scenario (for now), the Last Crusade! This Mod is still under construction, i'm...
  3. King Phaedron

    Autocracy - The Superior Ideology!

    Moved, at poster request, from the Civ V - General Discussions forum to the Off-Topic forum -- Browd In this thread I will attempt to argue that Autocracy is the Superior Ideology in nearly every circumstance for gameplay, and philosophically.(Gameplay in this post) An Autocracy is defined as...
  4. T_80_Tank

    [BTS] The Spread of Christianity in Civilization IV: Every Year

    Good news everyone! © I would like to show you my video :culture: that shows the approximate spread of Christianity :religion: and its major denominations around the world in the game of Civilization IV! [civ4] From its foundation to the present time. If you enjoyed this - subscribe:c5faith...
  5. Discovering Christianity

    Discovering Christianity

    This is what happens when you found Christianity
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