city connections

  1. washy

    All city connections (river, trade and airport)

    Rivers require river harbor in both cities, trade routes require a caravansary in both cities and airport connections two airports. The river harbor, that connects the cities and gives your city +1 food. Require DLL - Various Mod Components.
  2. washy

    Trade routes create city connections

    Trade routes create city connections if both cities have caravansary. Require DLL - Various Mod Components.
  3. washy

    River harbor and River Connections

    Using the W.Howard River connection trait, I modified it a little to make it available for all the civs. This mod allows you to build the river harbor, that connect the cities via rivers (as if they were roads) and gives your city +1 food. Require DLL - Various Mod Components.
  4. rjg85

    Benefit of roads?

    Other than the movement benefits, is there actually any benefit to linking all your cities with roads? There isn't a city link gold benefit is there? No other bonuses? Basically I want to find out if it is worth sending rubbish early internal trade routes to build roads between all my cities...
  5. Veneke

    How do trade routes/roads/railroads/harbours work? (vanilla)

    How do trade routes/roads/railroads/harbours work? Connecting your empire Introduction Should one go by horse, carriage, train or ship? This article goes through the basic mechanics of trade routes, roads, railroads and harbours. By virtue of explanation, some obvious strategies and clearly...
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