city defense

  1. N.Core

    Better City Defenses for VP 6

    :c5strength: Better City Defenses for VP :c5strength: Originally made by Tofusojo, overhauled for Vox Populi by N.Core City defense rebalance and adds new defense buildings! I heard that some people complained about cities getting harder to capture in early-mid game. Especially after the new...
  2. N.Core

    Better City Defenses for VP

    :c5strength: Better City Defenses for VP :c5strength: Originally made by Tofusojo, overhauled for Vox Populi by N.Core ---------- Download here ---------- (Version 6) City defense rebalance and adds new defense buildings! I heard that some people complained about cities getting harder to...
  3. civplayer33

    Great General/Admiral buffing City Strength

    Recently, the ability of Great Generals and Great Admirals to boost City Strength has been removed without any discussion. I was against this change and posted it in the October 23 thread, but without much response: ==============================================================================...
  4. pineappledan

    How is City defense calculated?

    So I am aware that city defense is made up of component parts: base value from era population hill or flatland buildings garrison What exactly is the formula, however? more specifically: What are the base values for every era? How much is each population worth, and is it linear? how much of a...
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