
  1. thecrazyscot

    Game Mechanic Discussion: Independent Peoples/City-States

    It looks like Civ 7 has revamped the city-state system to be a sort of combination of the barbarian tribe and city-state systems from previous games. I've always enjoyed interacting with the "minor powers" in the civilization games, so I find this redesigned system of interest. Overview...
  2. Bonyduck Campersang

    Yet Another City-States Pack 2024-07-16

    Adds new city-states, and replaces a few old ones. NOT in any way affiliated with the Y(n)aemp series of mods.
  3. TyrannusRex

    (E&E) Civilization VI - City-States, Wave I

    New city-states come your aid in Sid Meier's Civilization VI! Whether you trade with them, become their suzerain, or add them to your empire by force, you can't deny that city-states add a little something special to your games of Civilization. Your journey to victory wouldn't quite be the same...
  4. Trashperson

    Periphery (Now compatible with CIVITAS CSE) 1.3

    Periphery is a deceptively simple mod for Civ 6 which renames all base game and DLC city-states after their real-life current and historical nations. This is by renaming the mini-'Civ' which owns the city-state- so what appears in the city-state menu- but not the actual city owned by said...
  5. hhhhhh

    [NFP] Improving the "bad" City States

    I was following the City State Elimination Thread and had fun. Now that the last 21 are decided (there's a total of 42 city states, so these are the ones that are "below average"), I'm thinking how they can be improved. The goal is not to make all of them super powerful ones, just to make them...
  6. Finmide

    Help with custom Agendas

    I wanted to make custom agenda's for a civilization I was making but I am not sure how to go about this. Agenda 1: Reconnaissance Mission - This Civilization dislikes civilizations that don't give open borders to them, discover natural wonders before them, and explore the entire map before...
  7. WitchyStella

    City States which let you build Unique Units

    Hi there! I've recently started to do some planning on a mod that adds city states that let you build other civs' unique units. This idea was inspired by Gedemo's city state mods, some of which do exactly this. I'm planning to add a small secondary bonus as well, since the units are generally...
  8. TahamiTsunami

    Poll: Which 10 city-states would you like to officially see in the game?

    There were many good suggestions for desired city-states in the other thread I made so I thought it was about time that I made a poll for city-states as well. You can also decide on what type of city-state you'd like your choices to be if you want but you don't have to since who knows what kind...
  9. TahamiTsunami

    Top City-State Choices

    It's been fun going over polls for Returning Civs, Brand New Civs, etc. While I'm not overly familiar with the popular choices enough to confidently do a poll, I figured I'd start by finding out which city-states would be the most desired. I'd definitely recommend checking out the ultimate...
  10. JamesNinelives

    Are City-States more vulnerable on higher difficulties?

    This just occured to me as I've been seeing city-states captured a lot lately, and I'm used to playing on lower difficulties. The AI produces more units on higher difficulties and tends to maintain a large army. Has anyone else noticed city-states being captured more/less on different settings...
  11. Knasp

    [GS] Agricultural Revolution Expanded (AREX) - [DISCONTINUED]

    STEAM WORKSHOP LINK: Agricultural Revolution Expanded UPDATE: DISCONTINUED! I'm no longer developing this mod and compatibilitty with Frontier Pass is dubious! If you want to take the code and use it for your own mod, feel free! But remember to mention me and the people who's work I've used, in...
  12. Knasp

    Agricultural Revolution Expanded (AREX) - [DISCONTINUED] 2.8.7

    STEAM WORKSHOP LINK: Agricultural Revolution Expanded (AREX) A mod for all who enjoy more historical accuracy or historical resemblence for their Civilization experience. Basically this mod is a collection of fixes for annoyances and nitpicks, a revision of the entire tech tree and various...
  13. C

    Balance Suggestions After two Marathon Games

    First of all, I LOVE this mod! Thanks for making it! I also want to say that I am not sure if this is a side effect of the mod, or if these values I explain below are part of vanilla Civ V. But I wanted to write about this to hopefully make the mod even more fun! So I have played 2 games in...
  14. Fampat

    [R&F] Increase City-Center Health for AI (Help)

    Hi, iam trying to change the HitPoint-Stat of the DISCRICT_CITY_CENTER for only City-States, but i cannot find a way besides changing it for every city-center in game, tried it via traits (which works great on adding buildings to city-states) I guess since there is no modifier which triggers a...
  15. adan_eslavo

    City-States Leaders for VP v22.0.2

    Link to the original mod Adaptation of the mod to VP, Unique City-States and some civilization mods (Israel, Sumer, the Timurids and the Papal States). Special credits go to @mihaifx and @Nutty - the base mod creators. Thanks go also to many art creators, especially @Mosile and @janboruta...
  16. Zenstrive

    [R&F] Suzerainity or How AIs kill themselves

    So on my latest playthrough I share a continent with Dutch to the north and Aztec to the south. Close to Dutch is Hattusa, and close to Aztec is Carthage. Aztec has no chance to develop a sizable empire since they settled to close and their city flipped, they declared war, and I stole the next...
  17. thecrazyscot

    [R&F] City-States Expanded

    Steam | Direct Download
  18. raen

    Portuguese Discoveries City-States (in early development)

    Portuguese discoveries were all about city states, all maritime ones, that Portuguese discovered, traded with, some were conquered, others failed to conquer, other were colonies, etc. Here is my current list: Ceuta Sierra Leone Mina Cochin Calicut Ceylon Cannanore Socotra Muscat Ormuz Malacca...
  19. RFormica

    RFormica's City-State Packs

    Upcoming: Swahili City-States Unit/City Ethnicity Fixes
  20. decamatus

    A Civ of Ice and Fire...Winter is Coming to Civ.

    V1.0.5 Wild Essos has been released! Hello everyone! After a much longer than desired hiatus due to life getting in the way, I bring you the Wild Essos update! Check it out on the Steam Workshop now and if you like the mod and can afford to throw me a bone, check out my Patreon! Patrons get...
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