city strength

  1. civplayer33

    Great General/Admiral buffing City Strength

    Recently, the ability of Great Generals and Great Admirals to boost City Strength has been removed without any discussion. I was against this change and posted it in the October 23 thread, but without much response: ==============================================================================...
  2. Victoria

    City Combat

    This guide is for the Gathering Storm Ruleset Earlier sets will have some differences like mounted being able to use battering rams. City Combat Combat against cities uses standard combat mechanics with some exceptions and alterations. Most notably; The city defence strength is a modified...
  3. Victoria

    Akkad test

    Thought I would test Akkad Suzerain ability Here a knight with Akkad still struggles, even against a very weak wall here a spearman does much, much better.... 85% better to be precise. Same for swords but not ranged or horse. Akkad also works with modern walls at Steel but with 400 HP it’s...
  4. Victoria

    City Strength

    There seems to be some lack of understanding out there on city strength so here is a very short guide to it NORMAL CITY The Base city strength is the strength of the strongest melee unit minus 10. The additional 10 to make it full strength only occurs when the unit garrisons it. So The Germans...
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