city walls

  1. hrochland

    Africa ancient walls 1

    Africa ancient walls
  2. Lonecat Nekophrodite

    Civ7 City Walls and defense schemes.

    Should basic city walls require a technology to build? In Civ games (and similiar civbuilding 4x games), city walls require a technology / advancements to build which generally becomes available by the latter stage of default 'Ancient Era' (usually 4,000 BC but the Humankind set the beginnings...
  3. T

    Civ 7 - City walls incorporate districts adjacent to city center

    Greetings fellow gamers! I'm relatively new to the forum so I hope this thread does not already exists. If that is the case, I'm very sorry for the potential spam! I was playing what could be my thousand game of Civ 6 yesterday and, while pillaging a commercial district, I realized how...
  4. Matsuda123

    Sino Walls 2020-07-19

    I really didn't like the Great Wall city wall graphics for Asian civs, so I took the East Asian Tower graphics from Chamaedrys, retextured it, and used the wall graphics from Walter Hawkwood's EU3 building pack 4: Far East. I think it works. If not, please contact me on how to fix it. I really...
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