
  1. gapetit

    The ITALIAN WARS A Civ2 scenario by Exile for ToT 2.1

    Without knowing it, Charles VIII of France initiated a new period in warfare, the Age of the Gun. Several historical elements came together and advanced gunpowder-projectile weaponry in a direction that rapidly pushed all other arms aside. Contamine, in his War in the Middle Ages, states that...
  2. gapetit

    Fire and Roses scenario for ToT 2.3

    During the early middle ages, Iran was subject of little regard to the great arab empire, as in earlier ages, when the center of empire lay in today's Iraq. The arab Caliphs passed the executive power to certain Emirs, who were to govern their land in own measure. Several of these Emirs became...
  3. gapetit

    Vietcong! by Techumseh 2.2

    Techumseh`s Vietcong! scenario for FW converted to Test of Time. Vietcong! is intended to be played as the North Vietnamese only. There are a couple of things that are a bit different from most scenarios. The first is the use of technologies to control events. The Americans are given all of the...
  4. gapetit

    YOUGOSLAVIE: Suicide of a European nation for ToT 2.3

    François Baire's "YOUGOSLAVIE: Suicide of a European nation" scenario for FW converted to Test of Time. Yugoslavia burst because of rival nationalism's which entails wars in Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo. This scenario is quite easy with Serbs, it's much more difficult with Bosnians or Kosovars. If...
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