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  1. Azythena

    Beyond Future Mod Project

    Hello. So I have been working on a mod to bring over all the beyond earth unit models into civ 5 including the aliens. I am going to make it future worlds and community patch compatible, but I have run into a little issue along the way. So I have tried adding in the particle effects via fake dlc...
  2. yepzer

    [BNW] Workers to units and back

    As with Civ4 (old mod, 14 years ago :shifty: ) I wanted the option to change workers to units, and back again.... Swords to Plow shears, wartime call to arms, Worker boom when returning from war - or as I ended up calling it: Call of the Motherland... attached below. Here's my experiences...
  3. Dejnny Floro

    Looking for tutorial about automation of workers

    I'm looking for tutorials that would be useful to make a mod that change how/where the workers make their builds & to add "go to nearest manageable place" for the Great People, so that they can auto-detect and go to the place where they can actually do a building. I've looked at the tutorial...
  4. C

    How to make teammates' tech independent?

    Hello, I am a newbie of Civ5Mod. In current game, players in a same team will share the research of technology. It means different civilization has to choose the same route of research. I want to make each player can research his own technology. Is it possible to do that by Civ5SDK? How can I...
  5. B

    Some basic iterate problems in Lua

    Hi, everyone, I'm a beginner to the Lua with civ5. First, we want to mod something, we need to find it. Now I only know how to find players, but how to find cities, units etc. The outdated wiki doesn't seem to show that. Can you help me?
  6. B

    How to load Lua with modbuddy?

    If I want to write some Lua scripts to my mod with modbuddy. Is there any necessary actions such like 'Add in to actions', or just create new .lua and build project?
  7. fertiliser

    [BNW] Bonus when attacking CombatClass, but not when defending against it?

    I have set Chariots, Keshiks, Camels etc. to UNITCOMBAT_MOUNTED_RANGED. I would like for spears, pikes, lancers, and the "formation" promotion to give a 50% bonus when attacking UNITCOMBAT_MOUNTED_RANGED, but no bonus when defending against this type. Is there an easy way around this? Or does...
  8. fertiliser

    [BNW] [Bugfixes] [Optimisation] Has it been done before?

    I have a reasonable amount of experience with modding Civ5, but have always avoided the DLL due to compatibility issues. This time around. there's an ambitious project on the horizon. It involves bugfixes and QoL, that may or may not have been done in the past. I'd like to make sure before I...
  9. Bob Johnson

    Help with CPP

    When I'm playing civ with YNAEMP and CPP the map loads fine but the civs are always in randomized locations. I can't seem to find any threads with my problem so I thought I'd post. If you have any idea on how to fix it that'd be great. Thanks!
  10. Z

    Reccomendations For Civ 5 Map With Good Naval Warfare

    Really love the aspect of naval warfare. I have a modified version of small continents plus that does a really good job with the island chains. As well as Planet Simulator, but those generated seem to be more continent heavy to me, may require more fiddling. Oceania and Archipelago have been...
  11. MinhazMurks

    [BNW] Civ 5 retexturing a unit

    Hello I am working on a mod for Civilization in which I am creating a civilization. It's going well so far and is in a working state, but for one of the unique units is a worker replacement called Laborer which has a higher work rate. But I want to be able to have a different texture for this...
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