classical era

  1. jarcast2

    Jarcast's The Etruscans for VP 4

    Discussion thread.
  2. Z

    [GS] Industrialization in Classical Era (Turn 44)

    Hi! I just want to share a strat (very unusual I think) to unlock Industrialization early. In summary: 1. Have a team of 3 Babylon players. 2. 2 of the Babylon players will build the IZ on their 2nd city. 3. The 3rd Babylon player will build the IZ on its capital, and will receive the other 2...
  3. jarcast2

    Jarcast's The Etruscans for VP

    The Etruscans DOWNLOAD | Pictures (Compatible with VP 3.0+) Leader - Thyrrenus UA - League of Twelve People All :c5trade: Trade Routes provide :c5greatperson: Great Artist points and :c5greatperson: Great Merchant Points. Internal ones provide, :c5food: Food, :c5production: Production and...
  4. jarcast2

    Jarcast's The Etruscans 3.1

    Installation notes: Extract the zip and place the folder in Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS Steam workshop: link . Pictures For comments and suggestions you can reply in the dedicated thread.
  5. chordate

    [GS] Deity game with AI+ mod strategy? The initial map is as above. May I ask for some strategy for the game start with the saved game in the attached file? (The configuration file is here. The forum forbid upload file with extension .Civ6Cfg) The configuration is deity with AI+ mod, classical era start...
  6. A

    [BNW] A Melee vs. Ranged Discussion in Multiplayer

    I play Multiplayer a lot, and I recently played a team game with players who were really good and generally better than me. I got rushed and stood for awhile but eventually fell. When I was rushed (Classical Era) I began to build comp bows, but a teammate criticized this and said that melee...
  7. Zares

    Starting Era: Classical+ = strange AI behaviour

    I like playing Epic speed, but hate to go through Ancient Era, so I usually set starting era - Classical. Then AI behaves strange, they don't expand, have only the Capitol. I guess it's because of a lot of buildings available. Isabella founded a Pantheon very late and 2 of 10 Civs didn't found a...
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