cultural victory

  1. M

    [BNW] Removing Nukes (Unresolved)

    Hey all, I'm looking to achieve the following things through XML: 1) (easy) Change the "Jeans" dialogue/screen. I can't for the life of me find the localization/tag for it. Done! 2) (harder) I want to delete Atomic Bombs, Nuclear Missile, Bomb Shelters, and the Manhattan Project. As in...
  2. DrCron

    PSA: In zombie mode, zombie units spawn when archaeologists dig artifacts

    What the title says. It happened every single time I dug an artifact in my first zombie mode game. If the artifact is at sea (shipwreck) a zombie unit will spawn in the closest land tile available. Keep it in mind in case you have other units and/or cities around.
  3. Oberinspektor Derrick

    The latest patch broke AI behaviour

    I couldn't find a topic for this being discussed, so I thought it fitting to add here. The most recent patch was supposed to "fix" the AI, making them more adept at high level play and having them make choices that would pressure a human opponent in a typical game. I am of course taking about...
  4. TheFinalChiTown

    [GS] (Let's Play) Fast Culture Victory with Mapuche!

    Hi All, Here's a great seed for a fast cultural victory with Mapuche via reliquaries. This involves taking advantage of the current bug where the AI sells relics for 1 diplo favor in the classical era. Enjoy! Game settings: Difficulty: Prince DLC: All except NFP Map: Standard size, continents...
  5. Bizrock

    Multiplayer cultural Victory

    Can someone share tips of how to win a cultural Victory in multiplayer? because i've been trying and I everytime loses cause: The Guy that is focusing in military gets more and better civ units than me and just smash. The Guy that is focusing science just rush airplanes/nukes and smash me...
  6. M

    Team based culture and science victories

    To win a domination victory when playing on a team, all the original capitals have to be captured by your team, but not all by the same player. To win a religious victory when playing on a team, one of you needs to found a religion, but all the team-mates can produce religious units to help...
  7. K

    Comparing to Paradox Games

    I was in th Crusader King 3 discord talking about the things I disliked and wanted in a Crusader game, and I was told, what I wanted sounded a lot like Civilization. In fact, I think they are correct, to a degree. But the thing is, I HATE sandboxes. I loved Civ 2 but only for the highly...
  8. A

    [GS] Naturalists v Rockbands

    Potato McWhiskey has a video discussing how Culture Victories work on comparing Naturalists v Rock Bands (here). Couple of questions for the Brain Trust, particularly @Victoria . First, PMW discusses Domestic Tourists (which are based on a Civs total culture including Inspirations), Foreign...
  9. L

    [GS] Why am I not winning? Cultural Victory Deity

    I thought I should have won turns ago but no victory pop up. Am I missing something or it is bugged out? Also, why is the tourism icon glitched? Could that have something to do with this?
  10. sa1vy

    Is there a way to NOT exert loyalty pressure against a civ?

    So besides getting a cultural alliance, is there a way to not exert loyalty pressure on a nearby civ? For faster cultural victory times, I don't completely conquer a civ, but instead leave them with just one city. I don't want them to lose the final city then, but it's hard to prevent it. I...
  11. M

    Minimum requirements for Culture Victory

    So I've read a lot of strategy guides about Culture Victory - some I agree with and some tips seem completely misplaced. Personally I don't support the following ideas: "Build tourism early since it starts accruing from the moment you meet a civ": complete rubbish because the later game...
  12. L

    World Ideology and culture victory [Bug ?]

    Hi, During my last game with the 7/15 Beta, I was 3 turns left to finish the Citizen Earth Protocol. I already felt the victory... There was a world congress this turn. Someone wanted to enact Order as the World Ideology. I had chosen Freedom and I used all my delegates for my proposal (World...
  13. CppMaster

    Artifact or landmark?

    What would be better when going for Cultural Victory? I don't have much experience with CV and I always dig artifacts, but maybe it's a good idea to create a landmark instead especially in capital and with Freedom ideology in mind?
  14. pineappledan

    The Panopticon Wonder Discussion Thread

    The most recent patch uptade for VP introduces a new wonder: the Panopticon. This thread is for discussing the virtues, implications, reasoning and merits of having the Panopticon as a wonder in VP. What does the Panopticon do in game? What was/is the Panopticon? Possible issues with the...
  15. CppMaster

    Not enough food - French struggle

    I play France on Emperor difficulty, Standard speed, Standard size, Pangea Plus. It's near end of Renaissance era and I just have completed Authority and Artistry policies. My problem is that I do not have enough food in my cities. a) My capitol has 20 citizens, other cities have +- 7 less...
  16. Latrec

    [Vanilla] [VidLP] - Prince - Congo - Part 1

    Hello Everyone, I had to start a new LP because I had to reset my PC and forgot to save the save file for the France Game I was doing. We will be playing a Cultural victory with Congo. Hope you enjoy it. From LaTrec. Patch - PC (313929) Mods - None Game Settings - None Map...
  17. TheGoodHunter

    France Strategy - Culture by Conquest

    Hey guys, new(ish) user of Vox Populi. Been really digging how domination works in this patch/overhaul and decided to try out France. I noticed that there are pretty much zero threads discussing strategies for it, so I've decided to make one. I'm going to test this strat on Prince and report...
  18. Y

    [VidLP] [FR] Multiplayer FRA/JAP - L'Entente - King

    Bonjour à tous ! Nouvelle chaîne sur YouTube spécialisé dans les jeux de simulations et historique, la chaîne YuuGamingPoiii commence un nouveau Let's Play sur Civilization VI. Ce Let's Play est en multijoueur, Jaja joue le Japon et Sacha la France. Caractéristiques de la partie : Civilization...
  19. SpartanU

    Victory Balancing

    Almost every game I've played has been a cultural victory (with the exception of one UN victory). I think this is because HR makes the science and military victories more difficult (more tech needed, dissent makes military difficult), whereas cultural victories are made easier in HR (more...
  20. R

    Isn't cultural victory a bit anti-climatic?

    I'm a relatively new player (on my 5th game rn, 3 first were in the first 3 difficulties, Prince is nicely challenging for me) but if there's is one thing bothering me is how easy and early culture victory happens. In vanilla it was probably too hard but it had a late game durability like...
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