Danish Empire
During the first 10 turns of a surprise war declared by or upon Denmark, all coastal cities can purchase a naval melee unit for free, with an extra one becoming available with each Harbor building. These units gain +1 movement speed and grant a +3 combat bonus to adjacent...
Margaret I leads Denmark in Sid Meier's Civilization VI!
A quick and friendly reminder to you civ fans: the civilizations in-game are, by their very nature, anachronistic conglomerations of the concepts and history behind a nation/culture. So, just as Abraham Lincoln never coexisted with the...
So, excuse the title for being a little vague, but I'm sorta working on an idea and wanted some opinions from other Civ fans.
I've noticed that the majority of ideas (or existing mods) for a Danish civ in Civ VI tend to focus on an Industrial Era Denmark sometime during the 1800s (I believe)...
Since the vikings first were included in Civ II I have waited for the addition of Scandinavian wonders, and was hoping for one to be included in Gathering Storm, but alas it was seemingly not meant to be. So in my boredom I've decided to create this thread to brainstorm some potential wonders...
playing with mods I found one big issue returning to official civs. They often lack any personality or an interesting playstyle. My favourite civ is Polynesia because it changes the game completely and brings a different experience. But some civs are lacking this distinction. Here are some...
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