diplomatic victory

  1. AnonymousSpeed

    Let's Win a Diplomatic Victory as a Monarchy

    Hello all! I was doing some research in legacy cards and I read a remark about how Monarchy can be useful later than other tier 2 governments because it gives you a +50% bonus to envoy generation. Well, I had to look at that a little more closely, and yep. Even factoring in how later...
  2. MightyEvilPunk

    [NFP] No diplomatic victory points awarded for voting if at war with certain AI player

    I have Civilization 6, New Frontiers Pass, (531163) So situation is as follows: This is 265 turn of my game I am at war with Mansa Musa (AI) If I remain at war with him, at the end of the turn 266, he offers peace Next goes World Congress Voting No matter, did you accept peace or not...
  3. JesioterOfficial

    Diplomatic Victory points

    I'm sure someone already asked that question here, but I couldn't find it anywhere. How can I earn diplomatic victory points? Is there any way to earn more diplomatic points in congress? For example if you outvote more than 3 players do you get 2 instead of 1 point, or something tike that? Also...
  4. CanusAlbinus

    PolyCast 350: Adding It All Together

    The three hundred-and-fiftieth episode of PolyCast, “Adding It All Together“, features regular co-hosts CanusAlbinus, Stephanie “Makahlua”, Philip “TheMeInTeam”, and Jason “MegaBearsFan” Grade and discusses the following: News - 00h01m46s | Civilization VI Released on PlayStation 4 and Xbox...
  5. HiddenNinja

    [GS] World Congress Diplomatic Victory - Allies can't vote against

    The AI banding together to make you lose victory points at 15 seems extremely artificial, and pushes players towards other victory types (usually cultural or science). I recommend that allies should not be allowed to vote for each other to lose diplomatic victory points. This makes sense as...
  6. arthur486

    [GS] Proposal to fix Diplo Victory

    At this point it is clear that diplomatic victory is broken. For me, it's not that it takes too many turns to achieve, but is mostly the fact that the pre-modern part of the game does not have a deciding influence on its outcome. Sure, science victories are also lengthy, but in order to be...
  7. Lucster77

    Canada wins diplomatic victory watch the highlights only!

    So here is my strategy for a diplomatic victory with Canada. In the beginning of the game build a couple scouts and try to meet as many city states before anybody else, that way you get free envoys. Then adopt the government Monarchy which gives you a bonus to envoys and get envoys sent out to...
  8. elSiD

    [BNW] Winning Diplomatic victory on Huge map with limited number of civs.

    Hi Guys! I am trying for the huge map achievement, if I limit the number of civilizations from the normal count will i still get it? I am planning on playing on King difficulty and I am only 4 games in, I just won on Prince and I am kinda intimidated by 12 players at once, so far I have stuck...
  9. civplayer33

    Diplomatic Victory too easy?

    Communitas, Large, Epic, Emperor I have more than twice the required number of delegates and this is the first hegemony proposal (I win next turn) and I did not maximize my delegate number completely (could have planted even more embassies and used more diplomats in foreign capitals for higher...
  10. nzcamel

    Palace district as part of diplomatic victory

    There was a thread here earlier where we discussed what a diplomatic victory may look like in VI. Someone proposed that there should be multiple world bodies to try to control, like say the World Trade Organisation along with the U.N. Along with that, I think that the palace could be expanded...
  11. P

    Just won on Deity - my story and tips (and some bugs, too)

    Hello everybody, I have just won a game with the vox populi mod on deity difficulty and would like to share some impressions and advices. I played as the Inca, Bering Strait map, Deity, Epic pace. I prefer epic to standard because you spend more time in different eras. Bering Strait because I...
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