
  1. N

    Symbolic Annexation

    Hi everyone, I'm new to the forum, long time strategy game player (huehue), and a law student. I've been reading about colonialism and what a country would have to do make a new land their own (exclusively). The scale goes from Discovery --> Symbolic Annexation --> Effective Occupation. Civ...
  2. CBE Player

    C4 Colonization Age of Discovery Files?

    Hello, I was attempting to show C4col AOD2 off to someone and found out the files are all corrupted somehow. So when I went to download them they are no longer available on Does anyone still have the latest edition? Thanks!
  3. A

    Science Enhanced

    Is there any mod that makes science more realistic? In real life, we don't discover new technologies by wanting them to exist... which is basically what the Science Tree is. I'm thinking of things like, accumulating science points would allow you to unlock technologies in domains on which...
  4. Age of Scientific Discovery

    Age of Scientific Discovery

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