
  1. Askii2D

    [BTS] DoC earth map for BTS

    here's earth map from DoC for BTS from the best version 1.15
  2. T_80_Tank

    Map of the World - 900 AD

    Hello there! :religion: I'd like to show you some more screens from my game. :hammers: It's my own Civ 4 mod based on RFC DoC by Leoreth and Additional AI for CiV 4 with my significant changes. It's include 164 civs on the gigantic Earth Map. Kinda historic role play. Unfortunately it's...
  3. T_80_Tank

    Map of the World - 800 AD

    Hello there! :religion: I'd like to show you some screens from my game. :hammers: It's my own Civ 4 mod based on RFC DoC by Leoreth and Additional AI for CiV 4 with my significant changes. It's include 164 civs on the gigantic Earth Map. Kinda historic role play. Unfortunately it's unplayable...
  4. Ororo

    Japan 1.16.9 Domination strategy - Monarch/Epic

    Hey guys, I am an oldschool DOC fan who keeps coming back to the mod year afer year. I am by no means an expert player but I have always enjoy a little bit of min-maxing and aiming for Domination victories in both DOC and RFC. Though I have to admit I was rarely successful. Recently I...
  5. M

    Why there're no defections or additional AI troops after rejecting a flip?

    I'm playing DOC 1.62 as Persia, controlling the whole Middle East and waiting for a war against the newborn Arabians. In 640 AD, the Arabians demanded a flip and I rejected. They were surprisingly weak, with only 2 Mobile Guards, 2 Ghazis and a few defence troops. There were no additional...
  6. SeekTruthFromFacts

    Is it currently possible to play DoC in Linux?

    Hi to all! I used to hang around here in the 1.15 era. Last weekend there was a Civ VI free-to-play weekend. I tried out VI and it just made me nostalgic for [civ4]+DoC... :lol: It's great to see the mod is alive and well. Many thanks to Leoreth for your ongoing and generous development...
  7. Louis the XIV

    RFC Python (Rise and Fall)

    I have always been looking at random RFC python codes, I understand some of them not totally just a bit, but I have a major question to ask, How can you Spawn a civ like in RFC?! I know the Spawn a civ util but that doesn't let you choose the civ at the beggining of the game. Let's say the...
  8. Imperator Knoedel

    Sunset of Civilization 1.1

    See thread for details:
  9. G

    Congo UHV is ridiculous!!!

    UHV1: Acquire 15% of the votes in the Apostolic Palace by 1650AD Solution - Get LUCKY and hope to enslave at least one of the first 2 Impis and then send that slave along the coast via Mali and the Moors to get in touch with Portugal, Spain and Italy. Mali and Moors also have to be BOTH alive...
  10. ChineseWarlord

    The Power of the New World: A history of America

    So here's the deal. I'm not a fantastic Civ player and I'm not great at keeping to schedules. But I want to give storywriting one more shot. So I'm going to be playing as America with the simple goal of getting all of the UHVs (Unique HIstorical Victories). I'm willing to savescum to a certain...
  11. Akbarthegreat

    Idea for an intermediate tile stability between historical and foreign

    So I've been thinking about this a while, I wanted to see if there was some support for this idea on here. I propose introducing a new stability category of tiles between historical and foreign, "safe" tiles. Historical tiles are those which the civ held for reasonably long periods of time...
  12. Akbarthegreat

    City placement as France/England

    As title suggests, I want suggestions for which cities I should found as France and England (600AD start, playing for UHV). Playing France I have Paris, Bordeaux, Marseilles and Metz. Is Metz really necessary? I settle it primarily so that I have some claim on the Iron/Marble/Stone of...
  13. Akbarthegreat

    Has anyone won the Moors UHV

    This civ has been designed very well I think, especially the UP. But the UHV conditions seem insanely hard: You have less than 50 turns to: 1. Build workers/work boats and improve your land (since there are no improvements and you start with just two workers) 2. Conquer Spain 3. Conquer Mali (I...
  14. Akbarthegreat

    Babylon Tech Order?

    Playing Babylon UHV on monarch. The important dates I noted were: 1. Turn 50: Greek spawn; must have arithmetic (and writing) by then 2. Turn 54: Indian spawn; must have calendar by then 3. Turn 55-60 (In the three games I played): Chinese get construction. Should get construction before turn 55...
  15. Akbarthegreat

    Help with Persia

    Playing a Persia game on monarch, I realised that the first UHV condition (7% of land area) is pretty hard compared to vanilla RFC because of the different way in which culture spreads. Earlier you could just plonk a few pointless cities in the desert and pop their borders with the culture...
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