
  1. Nomicon

    More envoys or Influence?

    I’m planning on playing a game with many city states, and was wondering if there was a way to speed up the pace at which players earned influence/envoys. Are there any existing mods that increase or double influence or envoys? Or even something to make quests more frequent? Would it be too hard...
  2. Victoria

    CS Lib envoy spam & do they get more

    There has been a few threads on this and I was just playing a deity game where I liberated Brussels and on the next turn 7 emvoys were added by 3 Civs... So I thought I'd check the log file (Game_influence.csv) to see just how many they had used. This file shows the envoys (tokens)... the one on...
  3. WillowBrook

    Guide to City-States

    Guide to City-States Compiled by WillowBrook This Guide provides information on Civilization VI's City-States and how you might get the most benefits from them. Comments, corrections, critiques, and any other pertinent discussion are welcome in the discussion thread. What is a City-State? How...
  4. PlotinusRedux

    Build Envoys with Holy District Project 1.01

    Adds a new holy site project that provides an envoy upon completion. Cost scales by game progress from 100 to 1,500. I'd prefer it to cost less and give points towards earning envoys rather than a full envoy, but short of hacking the main dll it doesn't currently seem possible to change the...
  5. PlotinusRedux

    City States Envoy System

    Under the current system, basically whoever gets to Monarchy first and spends the longest time in it gets the city states, because the only things that really affect your total envoys are the Monarchy bonus, the base envoy points that are equal for all gvts of the same era, and the Totalitarian...
  6. mercury_1967

    How to get more envoys?

    I got an envoy with a city state by completing a quest. How do I earn/get more envoys? Just by completing quests?
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