fantasy mod

  1. haluu

    Tides of Crimson mod - Game 1

    Tides of Crimson (Fantasy Mod) - Succession Game Game #1 Please post here if interested in joining us. Thanks! Mod:. Civ 3: Tides of Crimson v2.92 Succession Game Players Max: 6 2/6 Players currently (4 open slots) We have started this game, but new players can feel free to jump in at any...
  2. Earth Fantasy Mod II -gameplay

    Earth Fantasy Mod II -gameplay

    Goblin and undead inhabitants of a previously conquered former goblin city
  3. EFMII: New menubox

    EFMII: New menubox

    The menu box in the game Civilization III shows global warming, which I changed to a fantasy-like image in EFMI, EFMII. I edited a dragon eye magic staff as the chances of global warming increase in the game, the dragon eye in the magic staff is getting more and more visible.
  4. EFMII: Space Race Victory 2: Magic Towers

    EFMII: Space Race Victory 2: Magic Towers

    One of the mission tracks on the EFMII is to build Magic Towers, which also build on the possibility of Space Race.
  5. EFMII, Space Race Victory: Elixir of Might

    EFMII, Space Race Victory: Elixir of Might

    I wanted to take advantage of many opportunities in Earth fantasy Mod and Earth Fatasy mod II. There was also the possibility of space racing, so two types of victory conditions will appear in the mode, one of which is Elixir of Might
  6. EFMII_007


    Earth Fantasy Mod II Screenshots - military advisor
  7. EFMII_006


    Earth Fantasy Mod II Screenshots - commerce
  8. EFMII_005


    Earth Fantasy Mod II Screenshots - Civilization relationship
  9. EFMII_004


    Earth Fantasy Mod II Screenshots - strategic resources in city
  10. EFMII_002


    Earth Fantasy Mod II Screenshots - Science Advisor
  11. EFMII_001


    Earth Fantasy Mod II Screenshots
  12. unartis

    [MOD] Earth Fantasy Mod II(EFMII)

    Earth Fantasy Mod II I took suggestions, advice, reworked a lot of things in Earth Fantasy Mod II, which caused a bug in EFMI. Because a lot of new features and bug fixes have been added to EFMII compared to EFMI, I started this as a new mode, not a fix. The EFMI contained fundamental bugs...
  13. unartis

    Earth Fantasy Mod II(EFMII) Beta 1.03

    Earth Fantasy Mod II(EFMII) version: beta 1.11 The new EFMII beta 1.11 patch is available unit balance, more information can be found in this file (EFMII_unit-ballance II.xls), which you can download and view on the EFMII forum. Last updated:April 05, 2024 :thumbsup:Dear Players,:thumbsup...
  14. Irealys

    [NFP] Fantasy History Builder Mod Project

    Hello everyone. To those who haven't heard of me, lucky you. A shame we will change that. I'm a now 41 years, father of an 18 year old who loves tabletop roleplaying. I never got into it but I understand why he loves it, especially as the DM, he gets to tell stories. One day he spoke about how...
  15. tomma

    [C3C] The Rise of the Hobbit Empire (A Tides of Crimson story)

    [Tides of Crimson] The Rise of the Hobbit Empire Mod: Tides of Crimson Version 2.81 (by haluu) Modmod: C3X r7 (by Flintlock) World size: Normal (12 Civs) Krogs: Random (Barbarians) Map: Pangaea 80% Water Climate/Temperature/Age: Random Choose your race: Hobbits Your rivals: Random AI...
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