first look

  1. Laurana Kanan

    [LP] Rulers of the Sahara: First Look

    Already saw this as part of yesterday's livestream, but here is the First Look for Rulers of the Sahara. Here are screenshots of the LUAs from yesterdays livestream:
  2. Laurana Kanan

    [LP] Rulers of China: First Look (Coming Jan. 19th)

    FWIW, the First Look video for the Rulers of China is scheduled for release at 1pm ET on Thursday January 19th. The same time as the pack release most likely. Again, not really sure of the point in releasing these at the same time as the drop. It's kind of moot at that point.
  3. Duke William of Normandy

    [LP] Great Negotiators: First Look

    Here's our First Look video! Even though the Notes have already been revealed and such! :P Ignore them!
  4. Laurana Kanan

    [LP] Julius Caesar: First Look

    Julius Caesar leads Rome Revealed during the November 17th Leader Pass Livestream. To coincide with the imminent release of Great Negotiators, the first of six new leader packs included as part of the Leaders Pass...
  5. Hawke9

    First look soon?

    So do you guys think there'll be a new first look in 10 minutes, despite no hints being released yesterday?
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