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  1. warpus

    [RD] Discovering Taiwan

    To get straight to the point - I spent 4 weeks in Taiwan and will be documenting what I discovered there in this thread. The posts will be chronological in nature and will more or less follow the format of previous travel threads. Taiwan has a unique culture shaped by Chinese, Japanese...
  2. King Phaedron

    Replace Future Era with Apocalypse Era

    Yes, really. Now that we know what the Era actually is, might as well represent it correctly. Got any questions? Read the news, or rather watch Youtube channels that cover real news. (Can't expect Media to tell you Jack about Jill.) Instead of Future Era, lets make an Era where everything just...
  3. Birdjaguar

    Breakfast, the most important meal of the day.

    What do you eat for breakfast? I alternate between two menus most of the time when I eat at home which is just about every day. On one day I have: A bowl of Oatmeal with some chopped almonds, a bit of cinnamon and either fresh or frozen fruit and skim milk Orange juice A mug of cafe au lait...
  4. unartis

    Sushi Bar 1.00

    The Sushi Bar is a building that can create happy faces. an important food-related building in cities. If there is fish among strategic resources in a city, it can be built. I made this building using the supermarket, creating a series of modern city buildings.(Unfortunately, I couldn't find...
  5. unartis

    Dairy Farm 1.00

    Cattles are bred on Dairy farms. Cattles are an important food source worldwide. Milk is also processed industrially in Cattle Milk processing plant designed for this purpose. I made this building for Earth Globalism Mod II (EGMII). The game mod is available here...
  6. unartis

    Cattle Farm 1.00

    Cattles are bred on cattle farms. Cattles are an important food source worldwide. Beef is also processed industrially in Cattle meat processing plants designed for this purpose. I made this building for Earth Globalism Mod II (EGMII). The game mod is available here...
  7. unartis

    Milk Processing Plant 1.00

    Milk Processing Plant processes the cattle (milk) resource. I used the original civilization 3 'manufacturing plant' file for the base of the milk processing plant. I made this building for Earth Globalism Mod II (EGMII). The game mod is available here...
  8. unartis

    Cattle Meat Processing Plant 1.00

    The Cattle Meat/Beef Processing Plant processes the cattle resource. I used the original civilization 3 'manufacturing plant' file for the base of the cattle meat/beef processing plant. I made this building for Earth Globalism Mod II (EGMII). The game mod is available here...
  9. unartis

    Pork Processing Plant 1.00

    A pork processing plant is a factory that processes the pig resource. I used the original civilization 3 'manufacturing plant' file for the base of the pork processing plant. I made this building for Earth Globalism Mod II (EGMII). The game mod is available here...
  10. unartis

    Chicken Meat Prossesing Plant 1.00

    The chicken meat processing plant processes poultry, as this important food is consumed in many parts of the world. I used the original civilization 3 'manufacturing plant' file for the base of the chicken meat processing plant. I made this building for Earth Globalism Mod II (EGMII). The game...
  11. unartis

    Cannery 1.00

    The cannery processes fish, thus producing an important industrial product. I used the original civilization 3 'manufacturing plant' file for the base of the cannery. I made this building for Earth Globalism Mod II (EGMII). The game mod is available here...
  12. unartis

    Chocolate Factory 1.00

    A chocolate factory is a factory that produces chocolate from cocoa. Chocolate is a sought-after pleasure commodity worldwide. I used the original civilization 3 'manufacturing plant' file for the base of the chocolate factory. I created two color variations. I made this building for Earth...
  13. unartis

    Cocoa 1.00

    Cacao beans are an important ingredient in chocolate, which is a great food. Cocoa beans are grown on plantations in tropical regions of the world. Cocoa beans are processed in the chocolate factory. I made this strategic resourses for made it for Earth Mod, Earth Globalism Mod II (EGMII). The...
  14. unartis

    Cattle(strategic resources) 1.00

    Cattle are an important strategic resource of the food industry, cattle make it possible to build cattle farms and dairy farms. The cattle is also used in beef or Cattle Meat processing plants. The original file is not my work, it was created by Firaxis, which I converted. I changed the...
  15. unartis

    Grain or Wheat(strategic resources) 1.00

    Grain is an important strategic resource for the food industry, the grain is the condition for building the granary. The original file is not my work, it was created by Firaxis, which I converted. I changed the original wheat bonus resource of civ3 to a strategic resource. I made this...
  16. unartis

    Fish Farm 1.00

    Fish farms are important food-producing structures in open oceans or seas. Fish is an important strategic resource of fish farms Many fishing nations have recognized that this is a sustainable means of food production, not fishing by fishing fleets, which can have a tragic effect on natural fish...
  17. unartis

    Fishing Fleet 1.00

    The fishing fleet is important for food production. The fishing fleet uses fish as a strategic resource. The caught fish is usually processed by the cannery. I made this building for Earth Globalism Mod II (EGMII). The game mod is available here...
  18. unartis

    Poultry Farm 1.00

    Poultry are bred on poultry farms. Poultry or Chicken are an important food source worldwide. Poultry is also processed industrially in Chicken processing plants designed for this purpose. I made this building for Earth Globalism Mod II (EGMII). The game mod is available here...
  19. unartis

    Pig Farm 1.00

    Pigs are bred on pig farms. Pigs are an important food source worldwide. Pork is also processed industrially in pork processing plants designed for this purpose. I made this building for Earth Globalism Mod II (EGMII). The game mod is available here...
  20. unartis

    Fish(strategic resources) 1.00

    Fish is an important strategic resource for the food industry, as it is processed and sold worldwide. in the past, fish were caught by fishing fleets, nowadays fish are raised on fish farms in the open seas in many places. The original file is not my work, it was created by Firaxis, which I...
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