
  1. CanusAlbinus

    PolyCast 438: Something to Believe In [Part 1]

    The four-hundred-and-thirty-eighth episode of PolyCast, “Something to Believe In [Part 1]“ is now available for streaming on the PolyCast YouTube Channel. This episode features regular co-hosts CanusAlbinus, Stephanie “Makahlua”, Phil "TheMeInTeam", and Jason "MegaBearsFan". Topics for this...
  2. C

    [C3C] HOT TAKE: Mathematical proof war civs like Monarchy are BETTER than Republic in many circumstances!

    Hello there, long time Civ 3 enjoyer. I've been playing this game since about 2002, and still do at times. I've also known this site for a very long time, but this is my first serious post I've ever made, and it will be a bold one. I'm interested most of all in game balancing, and I've been...
  3. Pfeffersack

    [NFP] [] Many AIs still stuck in T1 goverments, when game has progressed into modern era

    I noticed that a lot of AIs are still in T1 goverments, while the game has progressed already to the mid of the Modern Era (beyond T350, Epic Speed, Huge Map, Emperor difficulty, Secret Societies enabled, Terra-style Perfect World mod map). The new AI focus on science might explain partly why...
  4. Trashperson

    Tradition (Up to date with Barbarian Clans update) 2.0

    Tradition is a simple flavour mod that renames several aspects of the game for accuracy and immersion, with all parts being modular in the settings. This mod's genesis was with how it always kinda bugged me that the legacy policy cards had such uninspired names, being just the government's name...
  5. Trashperson

    Periphery (Now compatible with CIVITAS CSE) 1.3

    Periphery is a deceptively simple mod for Civ 6 which renames all base game and DLC city-states after their real-life current and historical nations. This is by renaming the mini-'Civ' which owns the city-state- so what appears in the city-state menu- but not the actual city owned by said...
  6. Z

    [GS] Tier-2 Government Buffs: Royal Marriages, Trade Disputes and Holy Wars

    The Tier-2 governments of Monarchy, Merchant Republic and Theocracy have interesting minor bonuses and legacy bonuses, but this should go further to define the era. I suggest giving each Tier-2 government a one-time exciting buff or special CB which is really unique and quite powerful if the...
  7. aguaacrobata2

    Political pressure

    I find it really strange when, late in the game, all my neigbouhrs have different governments and blocks with same type of gevernments are really hard to form, and when they do they consist most of the times of civs pretty far from each other. Looking at the real world and it's history and...
  8. Videosyncratic

    Discussion: What do some Civics represent?

    With regards to the proposed 1900 starting date scenario I have been thinking about what different civics each civilisation should have, however, I have also realised that I am not entirely sure on what some of the civics are meant to represent. With that in mind, I would be very interested to...
  9. The googles do nothing

    [R&F] Are governments too similar?

    Are governments too similar? It doesn't seem like what government I pick doesn't have any effect on the result of the game, as opposed to where I put my cities, which districts I build or if I keep my promoted units alive. I can count on going oligarchy if playing MP, or Classical Republic in...
  10. thombran


    Hi all, Currently working on a mod, mostly tweaking Expansion1_Governments.xml The flat inherent bonuses to governments (not replicated in their wildcard policies) are set as "GOVERNMENTBONUS_X" Values. The xml file in question allows you to modify their percentage values, but not the type of...
  11. tjs282

    [C3C] (How) Would you nerf Republic?

    Just looking for ideas for a mod-in-progress here. I want to keep most of the basic (C3C) gameplay and tech/unit progression in place, but at the same time help the AI to make 'better' decisions (so it gets harder to beat without needing stupid-generous production/research bonii), and also (if...
  12. I

    [R&F] Changes to Governments and their effects on gameplay

    R&F will bring many changes to existing systems. One of the biggest changes is Governments and their effects. You can read about them here: Rise and Fall Features Thread I have not seen this discussed, so I decided to post some of my observations and comments on this topic. Autocracy: You'll...
  13. lqwertyp

    EPA Disorder

    Hello guys! I played over 300 hours now and it occurs to me that in almost every game I suffer from economic policy addiction Disorder. I eventually end up picking the government that gives the most economic policy card slots because the bonusses are the best imho. Because I wanted to try...
  14. B

    Help on changing Economic slot

    Hi all, I am learning on how to mod CIV6 a at this time I am working on a new civilization using xml structure. I have been following examples from other mods and until now everything runs fine except for a problem I found on changing the additional MILITARY slot to ECOMONIC slot. I have been...
  15. Editor - Governments

    Editor - Governments

    Editor - Governments
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