
  1. D

    Civ 6 MP Save Editing - Era Score?

    Playing with a game with a friend against Deity AI's and while we had a great start, I'm lacking 1 Era Score point for a golden age, while he wants to get a dark age and overshot by 2. We reloaded and tried to do things differently multiple times, but couldn't figure it out. As we really liked...
  2. CornMaster

    Civ 6 Multiplayer Save Hex Editing

    Hello Folks, I've found a few posts, and a few google searches resulting in some information regarding hex editing save files, although most were specific to single player changes. A few friends and I play regularly, and are trying to spice up the gameplay a bit by creating our own game mode...
  3. kirkham7

    Bridge Building

    What hexes do I change to remove the requirements for bridge building? I asked once a few years ago, but can't seem to find the answer. :)
  4. OldManBrian

    Found Map Seed For Existing Saves! [HEX EDITING]

    You have to break out a Hex Editor to convert it. I figured out the MAP seed is always EXACTLY 197 bytes after 'StandardMaps', which is around 2bc0 It's 4 bytes for the map seed, then another 4 bytes for something else, then the 9th byte is always '03' for some reason. Look for this: Map...
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