huge earth map

  1. V

    The Monstrocity - Marathon edition 1.00

    Quick note: This modification uses the Mostrosity map (download here) Discussion thread: I don't like the time it takes buildings to be completed, techs to be researched, defensive...
  2. V

    The monstrosity 2.0 beta2

    Yo people, this is my first mod I ever published. Discussion thread: The size of the map is 500x262. There are no poles and little tundra tiles. I stretched everything...
  3. E

    [] AI units clear Barbarian Camp my unit is standing in

    Barbarian Clans mode, seen in several different games. Usually while farming/camping a barb camp, having a unit fortified and healing inside the camp and waiting to raid and/or clear said camp. The AI comes up with one or more units, moves on top of my unit, clears the camp and bounces back...
  4. Moda

    Moda's Huge Earth Map Pack (New Frontier) 2020-09-25

    A custom true-start map pack containing five huge (106x66) Earth maps. REQUIRES GATHERING STORM, RISE AND FALL, AND ALL NEW FRONTIER DLC Maps included are: Resources are placed manually, corresponding to real-world deposits and for game balance All Civs are playable on each map. Civs...
  5. Moda

    Moda's Huge Earth Map Pack (GS+RF) 2020-09-25

    A custom true-start map pack containing five huge (106x66) Earth maps. REQUIRES GATHERING STORM + RISE AND FALL EXPANSIONS Maps included are: Resources are placed manually, corresponding to real-world deposits and for game balance All Civs are playable on each map. Civs whose capitals...
  6. L

    Huge Earth Map with Randomised Starting Locations Question

    Hi, Does anyone know of a huge Earth Map with randomised starting locations for each civ? I tried copying the built-in huge earth map 18 civs in a text file by adding the line: RandomStartLocation=true each Civ between the BeginPlayer and EndPlayer, replacing StartingX=69, StartingY=37...
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