
  1. sman1975

    Question about background picture on popups

    Hello, I'm trying to simply add a background picture on a popup. When I use the image with DXT3 compression, no image shows. When I use the image with no compression, everything looks like it's supposed to. Here is the .XML code for the popup - the image in question is named...
  2. Tristan_C

    [Col] I accidentally the Amazon Basin

    Well there goes 20 percent of the world's oxygen production. Used the tool-and-musket arbitrage scheme to initiate the madness GIF is 1 turn per frame, 1492-1584. I'm so glad I managed to complete this game, I've always wanted to make a gif like this for Colonization!
  3. Civ 5 Social Policies, Image Shrunk?

    Civ 5 Social Policies, Image Shrunk?

    I don't know why this happened?
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