imperium offtopicum

  1. Crezth

    In the Beginning Was Napoleon: Game Thread

    :coffee::badcomp::bump::old:The deadline for sending orders for Update 3 is June 4, at 11:00 PM Pacific Time.:wallbash::dance::ar15::banana: The vibe is The World Turned Upside Down, people. Background In the beginning was Napoleon. He, at the crest of the heroic French Revolution, sought...
  2. Crezth

    Restless Minds & Empty Hearts

    1921! THE WORLD HAS COLLAPSED! Breaking, breaking! The Great War has heralded destruction and disadulation! The Great Empires have collapsed, and now nations bitterly struggle against one another and their own people in the quest for supremacy! Who will triumph? Who will persevere? Who will...
  3. Sniiperman456

    Imperium Offtopicum XXII

    In 2020 some global disaster wiped out civilization. Now, survivors have climbed out of the wreckage and have started to rebuild. Nations are being formed amidst the ruins of former civilization. You, the player, will control one of these nations. Will you lead it to prosperity? Or will you lead...
  4. Thorvald of Lym

    Yet Another Thormod: Civilization III

    Woot's oop everyoone, Ubik the greatest modmaker GAME DESIGNER of all time here with my latest project: the IOT Civ3 Mod! I might have started something like this earlier, but that my desktop was out of commission. While I can mod Civ4 in the sense that I know how most of the components work, I...
  5. Thorvald of Lym

    Roll II Rule

    MARCH, 2017. The world struggles to rebuild after a cascade of calamities. Between organized crime's assassination of the President of the United States and the Mexican invasion, and NATO's campaign against the radical hoplitejoe's rhinoceros insurgency and the Namibian civil war, the last thing...
  6. Thorvald of Lym

    Hearts of IOT IV

    It is truth universally acknowledged, that a single Thorvald in possession of a mutable game, must be in want of a mod. In a chat session yesterday I mused an IOT-inspired mod for Hearts of Iron IV, and in classic fashion next thing I knew I was swamped with suggestions, mostly revolving around...
  7. Thorvald of Lym

    The New and Improved Civ4 Mod Thread

    Welcome to the actual, official, OP-belongs-to-the-devs development thread for the Imperium Offtopicum Civ4 mod! Started by Reus, this project aims to codify the IOT community and its most cherished memes within Firaxis' popular genocide simulator turn-based strategy game, Civilization IV...
  8. Thorvald of Lym

    SHTAR WORZ - ReTour ov teh CHEDDAR

    oh.... i didint se u ther, adornig fans, iv bin sew bussy wit me septicular ritnig careir! seeking ov witch, wood yew lik sum moar............ SHATR WORZ????? In the black emptiness, two lines of blue text suddenly appear: A short while ago in a galaxy you're all familiar with . . . . They...
  9. Thorvald of Lym

    The Cult of the Offensive

    or: Why You Can't Understand IOT Militarism with a 21st Century Economy It's every military-industrial complex's wet dream: an entire economy predicated on aggressive war. A common misconception held by the Imperium Offtopicum player base is that outside of explicitly conquest-oriented games...
  10. Thorvald of Lym

    SHTAR WORZ - Teh EMporer stirkes BAUc

    Sup ma homeyz Th0rv@1dUb3rR0XX0R hear wit hmy SEAUQAL 2 teh GR8EST FNAFIC EVARR!!!!1! In the black emptiness, two lines of blue text suddenly appear: A short while ago in a galaxy you're all familiar with . . . . They linger for a while, long enough that the average viewer can...
  11. Thorvald of Lym

    It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, World

    Welcome, conscripts! In ages past, IOT rules were less about gameplay than keeping forumers from flaming each other into oblivion. It was a world without limits, and a time without end, when the only IOT you found atop the mountain was the IOT you brought with you. This game seeks to emulate...
  12. Thorvald of Lym

    The Death of IOT

    It began, as these crises invariably do, with combat. In its early days, Imperium Offtopicum seemed to defy easy categorization. "Geopolitical role-playing game" seemed an overly generous moniker for the loosely-structured tabletalk culture of 2010–2011. Rules were virtually nonexistent: the...
  13. Thorvald of Lym

    Multipolarity Rearmed

    < --- ambient music --- > The year is 2222. Decades after the Great Powergame destroyed the standing order and plunged the world into lameness, survivors of the Trollocaust have at last begun to reconstitute stable political organization. Will the veterans of the Dork Ages surmount their petty...
  14. Thorvald of Lym

    IOT:A Battle Thread

    Combat orders and post-battle reports for Imperium Offtopicum: The Aftermath occur here. DO NOT conduct main-game roleplay or engage in off-topic discussion in this thread. Players doing so may be punished.
  15. Thorvald of Lym

    Imperium Offtopicum: The Aftermath

    < --- ambient music --- > TWENTY YEARS HAVE PASSED since the end of the world war. An uneasy peace has been kept by the survivors of the nuclear holocaust. Despite the occasional border skirmish and clash for resources, no formal conflict has broken out, either due to national fatigue or threat...
  16. Thorvald of Lym

    Fallout: A Preview IOT

    "Fallout" is a special evaluation run of the ruleset for the as-yet-unnamed sequel to IOT4. The game will run for one week, featuring up to ten players on a small custom map. For information and discussion on the upcoming full version, see the development thread. Twenty years ago, the Arquev...
  17. Thorvald of Lym

    Imperium Offtopicum IV: Third's the Charm?

    Imperium Offtopicum (IOT) is a geopolitical simulation and role-playing game spun out of the Altered Maps thread in Off-Topic. Players assume the role of leader of a nation of their own creation, and interact with each other on such issues as law, economy, science and technology...
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