julius caesar

  1. A

    [BTS] Julius Caesar not building Praetorians?!

    1 AD: My dear neighbor, Julius Caesar, has had his Iron resource hooked up for the last 30 or more turns, but isn’t training any Praets. He got a DoW from Montezuma about 10 turns ago, still no Praets to be seen anywhere… has anybody experienced this before? I’m playing Shaka on...
  2. Caesar.png


  3. MangoCheeseCakey

    Julius Caesar in Lego Brickheadz form (MOC)

    Brickhead Julius Caesar can always tell a treacherous friend. Previous Civ 6 leader Brickheadz: Abraham Lincoln
  4. blackbutterfly

    [LP] [] Neutral Roman Fort Damages Units in Zombie Defence

    My (Julius Caesar's) Roman Fort is causing -10HP per turn on my units in Zombie Defence mode in neutral territory. EDIT: playing further I notice it's only one or two forts that are doing this. They are also areas zombies have spawned. But the fort is killing traders and workers passing through...
  5. CanusAlbinus

    PolyCast 412: When We Thought It Was Over

    The four-hundred-and-twelfth episode of PolyCast, “When We Thought It Was Over“ is now available for streaming on ThePolyCast.net. This episode features regular co-hosts CanusAlbinus. Stephanie “Makahlua”, Phil "TheMeInTeam", and Jason "MegaBearsFan". Topics for this episode include: News -...
  6. Laurana Kanan

    [LP] Civilization VI Official Leader Cards

    No new information here, but Firaxis has posted Official Leader cards to their social media accounts. In the vein of CCGs, they give an overview of the leaders' LUA with a stylized portrait. For the full image gallery, see here. Leader Pass Pack #1 Great Negotiators Leader Pass Pack #2...
  7. Laurana Kanan

    [LP] Julius Caesar: First Look

    Julius Caesar leads Rome Revealed during the November 17th Leader Pass Livestream. https://civilization.com/news/entries/add-julius-caesar-to-civilization-vi/ To coincide with the imminent release of Great Negotiators, the first of six new leader packs included as part of the Leaders Pass...
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