
  1. A

    [Civ2] Civ 2: MGE arch linux wine no audio (not no music, no audio *at all*)

    Yesterday I got my civ2 MGE disk in the mail from ebay, and started playing it on arch linux through wine. It ran and installed perfectly with no issues besides the fact that there was absolutely 0 audio, even with the physical disk physically in the external CD drive. I just now before typing...
  2. voigt

    Windows font on Linux version?

    Hi, Does anyone know if it's possible to use the serif font from the Windows version on the Linux version (steam) for CivIV ? The Linux font isn't as pretty as the Windows one. Thanks EDIT: Actually, after installing the microsoft fonts on my archlinux setup I get the serif font (sylfaen) but...
  3. T

    [BNW] Premade Modpack for Linux Users (compatible with flatpak Steam too)

    What I share with you is a modpack that I have been using and maintaining under Linux for quite some time. It significantly improves gameplay without severely changing the base game, and it should be compatible with Enhanced UI. All you need is Brave New World, and this will work OOTB (it even...
  4. B

    Vox Populi on linux

    Vox Populi runs excellent through proton, (native?) with protontricks to install Vox Populi.exe Look thread
  5. R

    [NFP] (Linux) Game crashing since I bought New Frontier Pass, can't even get to the leader loading screen

    So yeah, that's weird. I had Platinum Edition and it worked fine on my laptop, played quite a few turns on it, restarted multiple times, no problem After that I bought New Frontier Pass and as the title says, I can't play anymore. I can get into main menu just fine, tinker with options and...
  6. Z

    Play by cloud webhook- Linux

    Webhook is the only chance to get notification of my turn in Play by cloud, but as I set the webhook link, after my turn is commited, the Civ crashes. Found a known bug for this behavior, but 1) over a year old 2) For MacOS, I am on Linux Any suggestions? This bug makes the Play by cloud almost...
  7. SeekTruthFromFacts

    Is it currently possible to play DoC in Linux?

    Hi to all! I used to hang around here in the 1.15 era. Last weekend there was a Civ VI free-to-play weekend. I tried out VI and it just made me nostalgic for [civ4]+DoC... :lol: It's great to see the mod is alive and well. Many thanks to Leoreth for your ongoing and generous development...
  8. P

    [TOT] Installing Test of Time in Linux Mint 20

    EDIT: Test of Time Patch Project v0.16 was released, so a couple instructions are no longer necessary. I've edited the relevant sections (but didn't bother changing TOTPP15 references). It's probably worth checking this page to see if a later version is available before starting. This thread...
  9. O

    Crash during change of turns on windows 10 only

    Observe regularly crashes and hangings during change of turns. This happens on windows 10 only. With Linux (Aspyr) I don't have any problems. Unfortunately the problems are non-deterministic, so if I reload autosave and do the same things there is no problem. But maybe 20 turns later ... I play...
  10. L

    Game failure using Radeon Card under Linux

    Hello all, I have a low profile Radeon 7570 in my SFF system. I am able to run Civ VI on this card when the machine is booted into Windows. When I am booted in Linux, I get an error after I click on play and the game fails. I removed the card and used the onboard VGA system and it works fine...
  11. redneck_diver

    Merging Mods

    I've been working on a method to validate and merge mods with as much automation as possible. This also has the goal of making mods more friendly to Linux systems and people forgetting to put quotes around filenames. Wondering if anyone has already tackled this and I'm just reinventing the...
  12. O

    Civ6 won't even start!

    I'm new to these forums (obviously) and I bought Civ6 no more than an hour and a half ago. It installed without issue, but I can't even play my game lmao. I think I meet the system requirements, but I'm not sure since I run Ubuntu 16.04 and this operating system is the most unintuitive piece of...
  13. dgang

    I'm Back And Got This Game Running In Linux Ubuntu

    I have been trying to get this game running on my Linux Ubuntu system. The way I did it is by getting it on Steam and running it using the Steam Proton compatibility layer. I am posting so that others will know the recipe to get the game running.
  14. C

    [] Can't start a single player game on Ubuntu 18.0.4

    Expectation: That one should be able to start a normal Civ VI game after booting Civ up and selecting the appropriate menu option. What happened: Booted Civ VI from Steam. Hit Single Player -> Create Game -> optionally edit game settings or use default configs -> Start Game -> the game either...
  15. yeehi

    Rise and Fall on GNU+Linux?

    When is the R&F (Rise and Fall) addition likely to become available on GNU+Linux / Steam? When is the earlies we could expect a price reduction for R&F?
  16. yeehi

    How to escape to Desktop from Full Screen?

    If you alt-tab, a white column appears in the left, but there doesn't seem to be any way from there except back to the game.
  17. Gussrrosa

    How to activate mods to multiplayer games on Linux?

    Hello everyone! i know that activating mods for civ5 for multiplayer is a headache on windows, i wonder how difficult must it be on linux first, is it even possible to activate mods to multiplayer games on Linux? i vish to play a multiplayer game with my brother via hotseat option (alternate...
  18. lefuet

    [MoO] MoO1 modernization: Remnants of the Precursors

    Remnants of the Precursors, a free fan modernization of Masters of Orion 1. needs java, so works on linux, mac, windows, .. now alpha 3.20 alpha 4 is announced to include tactical ship fights graphic minimal but fantastic low hardware prerequisites already great fun to play...
  19. D

    Segmentation fault (core dumped) on Ubuntu 16.04

    Hi all, I can't attach the save file - I don't know where to find it - no Save folder exists under the installation directory. It happens after a specific turn(~557). If I'd know where is the save file it'd be easy to reproduce the issue because it always happens when I use it. Sys specs...
  20. Baba Yetu

    Bug/Bat under linux with wine

    Civilization 4 here work completely out of the box and nearly faultless with wine. Have anyone tried to run bug/bat under linux with wine? I am about to give it a try, but a little scared of breaking my civ4 =/.
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