
  1. Navelgazer

    Your Go-To Civs (Civ 6)

    Hey all, I did a thread on this a few years back with Civ 5, but decided it was time for a new one. So, who are your Go-To Civs, and why? I don't necessarily mean who do you think is the most powerful on Diety - there are enough discussions around that and even a general consensus of sorts...
  2. tu_79

    VP second phase goals

    VP is feature complete, no new (hard) coding is to be added. No more things like new units, buildings, projects, vassallages, events or corporations. Chapter closed. This means we are in the phase where we can only work with existing mechanics. Even then, a previously existing mechanic like...
  3. C3C Main Screen

    C3C Main Screen

    C3C Main Screen
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