
  1. Medieval Military Advisor

    Medieval Military Advisor

    This is found within UITextures.fpk, a Medieval version of the Military advisor
  2. Exp Farm??? :)

    Exp Farm??? :)

    I put a warrior on that hill after declaring war on him around turn 20, and ever since then he's been locked into war production only... His score has gone up by about 10-15 pts since I Declared. As soon as i get some better military techs that city is going to be a great exp farm!!! :D
  3. China Vs. China

    China Vs. China

    Note the selected rival and military advisor message.
  4. Incan Military

    Incan Military

    Military Advisor: "Let's go bonk some heads!"
  5. Military Adv (Modern)

    Military Adv (Modern)

  6. Military Adv (Ancient)

    Military Adv (Ancient)

  7. Military Advisor

    Military Advisor

    Military Advisor
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