• Civ7 is already available! Happy playing :).


  1. Blake00

    [MoM] ATTENTION: Master of Magic 30th Anniversary Celebration - Communities, Fan Mods & Remakes, Sequels, Similar Games & More!

    To celebrate Master of Magic's 30th Anniversary this month I thought I'd do something similar to our recent Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri, Civilization Call to Power, and Sid Meier's Colonization Anniversary Celebrations and take a look at what's been going on in the Master of Magic fan communities...
  2. Blake00

    [MoM] ReMoM: Master of Magic - Reassembled

    Jim Balcomb recently went public with his rather impressive reconstruction of good old Master of Magic that he's been working on over the last few years called ReMoM. While a number of other excellent fan projects have already remade MoM over the years (such as Implode's HD Multiplayer Edition...
  3. Blake00

    [MoM] Caster of Magic (Master of Magic Mod) is now on Steam & GoG!

    Well this is big news! Seravy has done a deal with Slitherine (the new MoM license holder working on a new MoM game) and Caster of Magic is now a buyable ‘officially approved’ Master of Magic addon on Steam & GoG! Naturally Seravy has promised to continue doing more amazing improvements to the...
  4. Blake00

    [MoM] Master of Magic - Caster of Magic Spinoff (plus Warlord Mod)

    Well this is big news! Seravy has done a deal with Slitherine (the new Master of Magic license holder working on a new Master of Magic game) and Caster of Magic is now a buyable ‘officially approved’ MoM addon on Steam & GoG! Naturally Seravy has promised to continue doing more amazing...
  5. Blake00

    [MoM] Master of Magic - Implode's Multiplayer Edition HD Fan Remake

    If there's any good old Master of Magic fans lurking in these forums I've recently made a video (as part of a up and coming Civ related games in HD series) touring what I feel is the best MoM fan project out there called MoM-IME sourceforge page']Master of Magic – Implode’s Multiplayer Edition...
  6. Blake00

    [MoM] Official Master of Magic Remake

    OH MY GOD!!! :O Looks like we've got an official Master of Magic sequel or Remake on way (courtesy of Slitherine who've bought the rights from Atari's IP dungeon and just made the announcement on their site)!!! Guess this explains the mysterious Atari activities I noticed recently. Clearly...
  7. Blake00

    Enhanced Mars, MasterOfMagic, MasterOfOrion Test of Time scenarios plus ToT graphics for MGE mod

    Hi guys, I've recently been playing a lot of Test of Time (as I barely touched it back in the day) and have been having a lot of fun. With Civilization 2 MGE I loved playing the Mars, Master of Magic Jr & Master of Orion Jr scenarios. I recently discovered Kestrel's excellent ToT...
  8. BlackArchon

    WIP: Master of Mana 1.43

    Hi guys and gals, since I was recently in the mood to play Master of Mana again, I took another look on our last patches A-G for MoM 1.42 from the years 2012/2013. There is no other way to express this: I fudged up the last patches. Basically I broke the Faeries/Aos Sí since patch A and the...
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