
  1. TahamiTsunami

    What did the Iroquois / Haudenosaunee call their homeland?

    As the title says, I'm wondering what the Iroquois / Haudenosaunee called their homeland or territory? For examples; I know that the Powhatan called their homeland Tsenacommacah, the Navajo called their homeland Dinétah, the Tlingit called their homeland Lingít Aaní, etc. However, despite all...
  2. T

    [GS] [request] renaming terrain features

    hi all, I couldn't find anything new on this, but I find it hard to believe that I'm the only one thinking about it... Is there a way of renaming the named terrain features (rivers, mountains, deserts, etc) or were these things never meant to change? I read somewhere that the names were...
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