old world

  1. Quintillus

    Old War: The Great War

    I've been playing my game as Greece for a couple of months now, and one aspect of it in particular has taken on a life of its own - our war with Kush. It's our second one; the first one we started, thinking we could snag a city site. We were wrong, were roundly defeated, and were forced to pay...
  2. S

    v96 Montezuma

    Wowie was it hard to figure out what to do. I lost a bit trying out Montezuma until I buttered up Japan with gifts and let them kill Tlaxcala for me. I have a couple questions; Natives as farming kills (VPs for Aztecs) First, Pathfinder natives populate the area north of Tlaxcala and they are...
  3. CanusAlbinus

    PolyCast 436: They Say Strategy is Dying

    The four-hundred-and-thirty-sixth episode of PolyCast, “They Say Strategy is Dying“ is now available for streaming on the PolyCast YouTube Channel. This episode features regular co-hosts CanusAlbinus, Stephanie “Makahlua”, and Jason "MegaBearsFan". Topics for this episode include: News -...
  4. bite

    Mapping Old World

    I thought this would be easy, well easier, but this turned out to be one of the most difficult maps I have made. https://tldrmoviereviews.com/2023/11/04/old-world-cartographic-educational-database/ You can also see the Old World Cartographic Educational Database Here
  5. CanusAlbinus

    PolyCast 404: Podcast Not Found

    The four-hundred-and-fourth episode of PolyCast, “Podcast Not Found“ is now available for streaming on ThePolyCast.net. This episode features regular co-hosts CanusAlbinus, Stephanie “Makahlua”, and Phil "TheMeInTeam". Topics for this episode include: Community 00h02m00s | DanQ is Now a Father...
  6. CanusAlbinus

    PolyCast 402: Straight Into The Salt

    The four-hundred-and-second episode of PolyCast, “Straight Into the Salt“ is now available for streaming on ThePolyCast.net. This episode features regular co-hosts CanusAlbinus, Stephanie “Makahlua”, Phil "TheMeInTeam", and Jason "MegaBearsFan". Topics for this episode include: News 00h01m06s |...
  7. Deliverator

    Old World Graphics Modding Guide 0.2

    This guide to modding Old World graphics covers: Installing Unity Extracting Old World assets into a Unity project Add 2D single and multi sprite images to the game 3D graphics coming soon...
  8. Das Capitolin

    My Old World experience, 6-hours In (initial pros and cons)

    Old World became available on Steam today, and I put six hours into the game on my day off. Here are some of my initial thoughts, and hopes for the future. First and foremost, I am impressed by the amount of community support there is for a game that was offered pre-release two years ago, and...
  9. Poldworld

    [Mod] ps Mods: Longplay, Stronghold, Others

    Hi all, I am hobby-modding the amazing OLD WORLD with focus to create a longplay/endless mode experience for singleplayer. Happy to discuss ideas, proposals, wishes or any other feedback. *** Longplay: Vision: - Create a mod/mods that supports playing a longer-game with main focus shifted...
  10. Old World Fanatic

    What kind of strategy guide would you like to see?

    I'd like your input. I love this game and I love exploring strategic options. I'm going to write or record a couple of strategy guides. Usually I just make whatever pops into my mind, but I thought I'd ask the community what kind of strategy guide you would like to see. Here's the strategy...
  11. DrCron

    Thoughts on the new game by Civ 4 designer?

    I've seen that several of the Youtube channels that cover Civilization are now uploading let´s plays of "Old World", the new game by Soren Johnson (lead designer of CIV 4). I´m curious, since CIV 4 is my favorite game ever, but spending 30+ euros on a game that´s still on early access is not...
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