play by cloud

  1. B

    Play by Cloud : End turn failed, error 17

    Hey, we are trying to convert a working multiplayer game into play by cloud (PBC) game. Everyone manages to connect into the game and but one player, lets name him mr.X gets "The game was unable to process your turn due to an error. Check your internet connection and try again. Error code 17"...
  2. Plaidman

    Starting new PbC game - come join

    Hey all, I had a great Play by Cloud game going a few years ago and now that the Leaders pass is done I'd like to start another: - Gathering Storm with NFP & Leaders pass - Standard map, Continents & Islands - Balanced start location - Online speed - All victory conditions Join code: KbpXl
  3. C

    Looking for serious adult players to play by cloud game

    Hello, we are looking for fifth member to start play by cloud game. It is necesary to have all DLC installed. The party conditions: 5 human players, small map, maximum CC, all aditional modes activated, maximum difficulty, leaders by random selection from the last Leader Pack, Point Victory...
  4. J

    Looking for somebody to "play by cloud" game.

    Hi. I'm looking for people to play civ 6 play by cloud game. I require both Rise and Fall and Gathering storm DLCs, I personally have a new frontier pass. Skill level: I'm not a pro but the minimum skill would be to win on Deity level without big problems. Frequency: around 1-2 turns daily...
  5. G

    Looking for PlayByCloud players

    Hi all, I am relatively new to CIv (I got on board with the Epic free download) and I mostly played in single play mode. I tried to play synchronously a few but I had some very negative experiences, such as rude and even racist players, being kicked out from supposedly "open" games and so on...
  6. G

    Play by cloud games not appearing in "My Games" - too many active game modes?

    So I've seen stuff about this before online and have been experiencing it for a little while. I noticed that some of the play-by-cloud games were appearing in the 'My Games' tab on play-by-cloud. The game sessions are still joinable by join code, but it appears as though they are less stable...
  7. D

    [] Play by Cloud game "resets"

    Hi, The last few months me and some friends discovered Civ6 with play by cloud. We've started 9 games, but only 2 were... Successful. In the other games somewhere between turn 3 and 50 (same day, or several days later) the game would basically reset to new a new game with only settler + warrior...
  8. Z

    Play by cloud webhook- Linux

    Webhook is the only chance to get notification of my turn in Play by cloud, but as I set the webhook link, after my turn is commited, the Civ crashes. Found a known bug for this behavior, but 1) over a year old 2) For MacOS, I am on Linux Any suggestions? This bug makes the Play by cloud almost...
  9. N

    Play by Cloud - No Steam Achievements for other players?

    I recently finished a team-based PbC game with a friend. The Victory condition was triggered on his turn, and then when I loaded the game after him, I saw the victory video and final menu with stats & graphs, my victory is recorded locally in my Hall of Fame, but I did not get the Steam...
  10. P

    Epic Game "Play by cloud" won't work

    I just got civ 6 on Epic Games. A friend and I tried the "Play by Cloud" option but it would not work. We could get to the "confirm settings" but after we click on that it crashes. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  11. Fogelhaus

    [GS] Error joining Play By Cloud session

    Hi, I've for about 3-4 months been playing civ 6 with friend and alternating between Online mode and PBC. I'm the host. We play once a week and at the end of the session we set up the continuation of that game in PBC. We usually get it to work (often after a couple of tries) but this time a...
  12. M

    [GS] Play by mail game broke

    I have been playing a Civ VI Gathering Storm play by cloud game with a friend for quite a while now and today something strange happend: Of the former 7 players (humans and ai) only two were shown in the staging room screen (see screenshot). And these two remaining parties show broken...
  13. V

    Play by cloud setup

    Hello, A bit confused on how to get play by cloud setup to work. Do all players HAVE to be online to start? What i think should work is 1. create game 2. give out invite code 3. players should be able to join in 4. players should be able to ready up, they may go on and offline and they stay in...
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