randomised starting locations

  1. ilmis9

    Worldbuilder map random start

    Hi,guys! I recently made my own world map with some tweaked regions for gameplay of my taste and I want to play it with civs randomly scatter around it. But problem is- civilizations rotate on fixed start locations. Played one game, wanted another ,but realized the issue. I really love the map...
  2. blackbutterfly

    Scrambled Arctic Ocean [RF+GS+NFP] 10.1

    An internally randomized map script of the Arctic Ocean including a large Siberian and North American tundra forest. Huge map. It is not a World Builder map but a randomized map script developed from a satellite image. Support for Rise & Fall, Gathering Storm (volcanoes, geothermal fissures...
  3. L

    Huge Earth Map with Randomised Starting Locations Question

    Hi, Does anyone know of a huge Earth Map with randomised starting locations for each civ? I tried copying the built-in huge earth map 18 civs in a text file by adding the line: RandomStartLocation=true ..to each Civ between the BeginPlayer and EndPlayer, replacing StartingX=69, StartingY=37...
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