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realism invictus

  1. Luke1195

    32 Civs Earth Mod Development -- More Wonders

    This is the Development thread for 32 Civs -- Earth's Major Cities and Settler's Earth Basemaps (Link: https://forums.civfanatics.com/resources/32-civs-earths-major-cities-and-settlers-earth-basemap-for-beyond-the-sword.31493/). Those two mods are mostly complete, and are only receiving minor...
  2. A

    The best way to play multiplayer RI?

    Hey there! I have played several single games of Realism Invictus and've had HUGE fun. :) Now I'd like to play multiplayer with my son — he grew interested while he wacthed me play :) But, believe it or not, I can't figure out how to start a multiplayer game under Realism Invictus! So, I...
  3. A

    [RI] World of 2022

    The following map is a modified version of the huge world map in Civ4 RI 3.61 r5422. The purpose is to create a world that models some of the current conflicts and power balances of the world at the beginning of the year 2022. The map does not claim to be historic, but to provide a game, where...
  4. S

    Tweaking game options

    Hello, dear community. I've been playing Civ again after a while. Last time I played it was when I was a student. This time I decided to refresh my feelings and play with mods. So I went through the list of mods for Civ 4 and ended up playing Realism Invictus. It seems like the most fun mod to...
  5. Realism Invictus 3.6 Tech Tree Flowchart Eras

    Realism Invictus 3.6 Tech Tree Flowchart Eras

    XML -> JSON -> with nomnoml to SVG -> with GIMP to PNG -> Optimized with optipng
  6. Realism Invictus 3.6 Tech Tree Flowchart

    Realism Invictus 3.6 Tech Tree Flowchart

    XML -> JSON -> with nomnoml to SVG -> with GIMP to PNG -> Optimized with optipng
  7. Realism Invictus 3.6 Tech Tree

    Realism Invictus 3.6 Tech Tree

    Taken in 1920x1080 resolution. Edited with GIMP. Optimized with optipng.
  8. Walter Hawkwood

    Realism: Invictus 3.601 patch 3.601

    Requires 3.6 version to be installed first. Change log: - Fixed some unit animation errors - Fixed plotlist at 1024x768 resolution - Carrack unit class no longer called "Caravel" to avoid confusion - Exploration and Expert Pilot promos now available to post-sail units as well - Commandos now...
  9. I

    [BTS] Realism Invictus - Need advice on my bad gameplay

    Hello everyone, I tried some RI games but I always end up at some points which i don't know how to react to the current situation. (I'm new at CIV 4) I did read some guide in here but somehow i don't know to apply it. Game setting Mod: Realism Invictus - stable version Nation: German Leader...
  10. Soupy Delicious

    A little post I made to show the allure of RI

    I just remembered that I'd made this today, and thought I might as well share it around. The idea was to show what kind of unit variety there is in the mod, of which there's a delicious amount https://www.reddit.com/r/civ/comments/h0p69j/realism_invictus_mod_is_absolutely_bonkas/
  11. Soupy Delicious

    Free Commoners not working? (best Mod ever, by the way)

    Hey guys. I've done a little bit of testing, and indeed when I'm running Free Commoners civic, my improvements (cottages, villages etc.) are not growing any faster. Working Class civic with its +100% bonus to impr. growth does work, however. What's up?
  12. ltshadowkiller

    Foreign Advisor Info Screen Help

    !!!<This question is about photo that is attached>!!! So I'm playing realism Invictus 3.5 as the Celts, I don't think the mod change this info screen but I could be wrong. I searched online and in game and I can't find out what these mean. So if anyone can tell me what the stuff in the red...
  13. T

    [RI] Koreans of Mal Gang

    Realism Invictus, large map, Perfect World generator, random civ, and we get: the Koreans. Since ancient times, the Koreans have been the hunter gatherers who live along the banks of the Mal Gang, the Horse River. Year after year, they set up their seasonal hunting encampments along the banks...
  14. K

    Realism Invictus Direct IP multiplayer - Problem in loading the save files

    Hello, We are 2 friends trying to fall in love again for the beautiful game Civilization 4. We have heard of Realism Invictus mode and decided to give it a go. We setup a direct ip multiplayer game for 2 people + bunch of AI and we played smoothly for more than 50 turns. Then we gave a break...
  15. K

    Realism Invictus Direct IP multiplayer - Problem in loading the save files

    Hello, We are 2 friends trying to fall in love again for the beautiful game Civilization 4. We have heard of Realism Invictus mode and decided to give it a go. We setup a direct ip multiplayer game for 2 people + bunch of AI and we played smoothly for more than 50 turns. Then we gave a break...
  16. Walter Hawkwood

    Realism Invictus (light version) 3.71

    Realism: Invictus is the Beyond the Sword version of the Civilization 4 mod that was formerly known “Total Realism” when it was being developed for Warlords expansion pack of Civilization 4. Our mod has been with Civ since the earliest days; it was, back when it was called just “Realism”, among...
  17. Walter Hawkwood

    Realism Invictus (full version) 3.71

    Realism: Invictus is the Beyond the Sword version of the Civilization 4 mod that was formerly known “Total Realism” when it was being developed for Warlords expansion pack of Civilization 4. Our mod has been with Civ since the earliest days; it was, back when it was called just “Realism”, among...
  18. A

    Question concerning legality of altering mods:

    I JUST got into modding Civ IV, however in the future if i wish to release my work, is it ok to release the updated mod without the original author being aware? (I will give it an original name and give credit!) I have seen it done with FFH and ROM as well as Thomas's war. The mod in Question...
  19. Mr-Goriyaki

    Rhye's and Fall: Realism Invictus

    What if you combined RFC with a mechanic and graphics of Realism Invictus?! Hah? Hah? Somebody? http://www.realism-invictus.com/
  20. tranx

    [RI] Excuse my French

    No, no profanity here (moderators relax!) but English is not my mother tongue so some parts of the story will probably read awkward. We'll try to keep it entertaining though. Realism Invictus mod. Planet Generator map. Huge world size. 15 Civilisations. Realistic speed. Prince difficulty...
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