
  1. C

    [C3C] HOT TAKE: Mathematical proof war civs like Monarchy are BETTER than Republic in many circumstances!

    Hello there, long time Civ 3 enjoyer. I've been playing this game since about 2002, and still do at times. I've also known this site for a very long time, but this is my first serious post I've ever made, and it will be a bold one. I'm interested most of all in game balancing, and I've been...
  2. Meteor Man

    Arquitens-class light cruiser 2019-03-01

    350 meter-long light cruiser from Kuat Drive Yards Includes: attack.flc, default.flc, death.flc, attack.wav, death.wav, .ini file, civilopedia icons, units32 pic, and a civilopedia entry (below) The Star Wars Unit Thread
  3. Meteor Man

    Hammerhead-class Cruiser 2018-03-06

    An Old Republic cruiser used for over 3,000 years in various capacities. Includes: attack.flc, default.flc, death.flc, attack.wav, death.wav, .ini file, civilopedia icons, units32 pic, and a civilopedia entry (below) The Star Wars Unit Thread #PRTO_Hammerhead ^ ^The [Hammerhead-class...
  4. tjs282

    [C3C] (How) Would you nerf Republic?

    Just looking for ideas for a mod-in-progress here. I want to keep most of the basic (C3C) gameplay and tech/unit progression in place, but at the same time help the AI to make 'better' decisions (so it gets harder to beat without needing stupid-generous production/research bonii), and also (if...
  5. NerdByFate

    Civilization 6: Republic of Turkey v1.4.1

    In this mod for Civilization 6, Mustafa Kemal, the great Ataturk, and President Erdogan bring the Republic of Turkey into the world's stage. Can you create a Republic of Turkey to stand the test of time? Unique Leader Ability (Mustafa Kemal): Kemalism - All Turkey-owned luxuries affect 6...
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