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rise and fall

  1. J

    Looking for somebody to "play by cloud" game.

    Hi. I'm looking for people to play civ 6 play by cloud game. I require both Rise and Fall and Gathering storm DLCs, I personally have a new frontier pass. Skill level: I'm not a pro but the minimum skill would be to win on Deity level without big problems. Frequency: around 1-2 turns daily...
  2. sharpNd

    Four Seasons 0.5.1

    Posted here due to a request on Steam for an external download. Steam Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2708795273 Change Notes: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/changelog/2708795273 Four Seasons Works with Vanilla, Rise and Fall and Gathering...
  3. sharpNd

    Four Seasons

    Posted here due to a request on Steam for an external download. Steam Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2708795273 Change Notes: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/changelog/2708795273 Four Seasons Works with Vanilla, Rise and Fall and...
  4. M

    Why there're no defections or additional AI troops after rejecting a flip?

    I'm playing DOC 1.62 as Persia, controlling the whole Middle East and waiting for a war against the newborn Arabians. In 640 AD, the Arabians demanded a flip and I rejected. They were surprisingly weak, with only 2 Mobile Guards, 2 Ghazis and a few defence troops. There were no additional...
  5. Zegangani

    Collecting Ideas for a Rise and Fall of Civs, Dynasties, Cultural Pressure or Ethnicity Mod for Civ6

    I'm currently working on a Mod Series that introduces many new Mechanisms/Systems to the Game (and altering some existing ones), which work like the NFP Game Modes (that you can enable/disable as you desire), but are more fleshed out/detailed and interconnected with the Game's existing...
  6. totalslacker

    Historical Spawn Dates and Eras (R&F + GS) 1.2.0

    Expanded version of Gedemon's Historical Spawn Dates mod with support for new features from the Rise & Fall and Gathering Storm expansions. Up-to-date with the New Frontier Pass and Babylon DLC. Not compatible with the base game, please use the original version of this mod for the base game...
  7. Duke William of Normandy

    [NFP] What Civilizations do you want to see next? And do you want Civilization 6 to be expanded more? 2

    Sid Meier's Civilization 6: Old Faith Masinissa of the Numidian Empire Hywel Dda of the Welsh Empire Oda Nobunaga of the Japanese Empire Puduhepa of the Hittite Empire Ahmad Shah Durrani of the Afghan Empire Jan Zizka of the Bohemian Empire Charles IV of the...
  8. J

    Apostle Levelling up

    Traditionally when I play Civ6(I've only ever played R&F) if I'm not suzerain of Yerevan the have 3 options for the first apostle upgrade, and if I've established the cardinal with enough upgrades to get a second I have 3 options for the second. Yesterday I was repeatedly getting only 2 or 1...
  9. MyNameWontFi

    [GS] Converting a R&F & GS map to only GS

    So I created a map in the worldbuilder with both Rise and Fall and Gathering Storm enabled. I then tried to share it with a friend that wanted to play it but that friend only have the Gathering Storm dlc not rise and fall. So my friend cannot play it without getting the Rise and Fall dlc. Is it...
  10. A

    CivVI & it's Upgrades…

    I bought Civ VI last week and worked through a few scenarios to re-introduce the Civ experience—used it many years ago—can't remember the Version… So, I've purchased Gathering Storm & Rise and Fall also… However, when I just began the game creation process, there was a drop-down menu with...
  11. J

    6 player game, rise and fall, no mods, marathon speed.

    Lets see if there are 5 players who wants to play on marathon game. This will probably take ages, but It will be fun (hopefully). Map will be random and I wish you dont choose your leader, but let it be random as well. Join code is vzkrP
  12. T

    Rise and Fall content without Rise and Fall.

    I did a basic search. Found nothing. I have Civ6, and just added the Gathering Storm content to my installation. With it came the Rise and Fall content. Governors, Dark Era's, Loyalty, Emergencies, Timelines, etc ... But I don't have Rise and Fall. Never bought it, never installed it. So I'd...
  13. Browd

    Quick Questions and Answers

    Browd submitted a new resource: Quick Questions and Answers - Quick Questions and Answers Read more about this resource...
  14. W

    [GS] Changing Names

    Is there a way you can change the name of a civilization, unit, and/or leader. For example: In the original game, it's Sumeria, Trader, and TEDDY Roosevelt. But I wish to them change them to: Mesopotamia, Merchant, and THEODORE Roosevelt, respectively. I think you can go into the .xml files...
  15. M

    [R&F] A Roman AAR starting on turn 314

    AAR: After Action Report ? AAR : Andy loves Ronda? AAR: Aardvarks admire raspberry’s? Its the first one... Its a Civilisation 6 AAR (Rise and Fall) Yay ! Well, lets hope so, because, I have wanted to do one of these for a while, but I have read many different ones, different styles, some...
  16. A

    FXS need to rework RnF. Here’s how.

    GS promises to fill in long standing gaps in Civ VI as compared to Civ V and IV (specifically the World Congress and Natual Disasters) and indeed substantially improve on those previous mechanics, to rework and rebalance a lot of existing mechanics and Civs (loving the changes to IZs and...
  17. S

    Is it possible to change each city yeild independently?

    I'm trying to introduce the next change in my mod: - cities yield per population is decreased greatly, - each district generates a yield of the corresponding type based on city population - you can build any number of districts of the same type for the city, their summed yield should be...
  18. SongAdieu

    [R&F] Enhanced User Interface v3.3 (Civilization VI: Rise and Fall)

    This file contains a variety of user interface (ONLY) mods that have been released on the workshop and has been implemented into one package. It can be used with only the Rise and Fall edition of Civilization VI expansion. Workshop Mods: - Alternate Policy Screen - Alternative Skybox -...
  19. manu-fan

    Warmongering now?

    Hi, I just got Rise and Fall. How the heck do you do warmongering now with the Loyalty stuff? I capture a city and it's in rebellion soon no matter what I do. How do I get it to stay loyal? This loyalty stuff is really annoying. I like wiping out other Civs until I'm the last one standing. Thanks.
  20. hayling

    [R&F] Custom Civ/Leader Trait Issues - "Error - 3045188730"

    EDIT: Holy smokes. Wow. I think I figured it out. It was a semi-colon, closing the whole sequence out early, when I should've had a comma. Learning curve, I guess. Hello, First I'd like to say that I appreciate any and all help, and I thank you for taking the time. Anyway, I'm creating a...
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