rise of mankind

  1. Luke1195

    32 Civs Earth Mod Development -- More Wonders

    This is the Development thread for 32 Civs -- Earth's Major Cities and Settler's Earth Basemaps (Link: https://forums.civfanatics.com/resources/32-civs-earths-major-cities-and-settlers-earth-basemap-for-beyond-the-sword.31493/). Those two mods are mostly complete, and are only receiving minor...
  2. ToastedHCL

    Making a mini-modmod to make CoM more engaging and balanced (IMHO) - let's all share our personal ideas/tweaks for CoM!

    This is my own thread to continue the discussion starting from this post (and including the ones right below it): https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/chronicles-of-mankind.643052/post-16583868 Thanks for the well wishes guys, I appreciate them :). Unfortunately, one of my big problems is...
  3. J

    Problem reducing civs to 24 for the Huge 28 earth map of Rise of Mankind

    Hi. I know Civ4 is almost unused but I like it an especially the R.O.M. mod. But since I do not like long waiting times I tried narrowing the civilizations to 24 for the Huge earth map scenario of 28 civs. I tried doing that editing the text file, renaming it and putting it in the folder. I...
  4. P

    More Premade Maps or the Capability for Converting Maps to RoM

    I am a avid fan of the Rise of Mankind: A New Dawn mod, and continue to play it weekly. Perhaps I am inept at navigating this forum, but I have had trouble finding premade maps for RoM other than the included Giant Earth Map. Is there a collection of RoM premade maps somewhere on the internet...
  5. A

    Barbarian Civs and Rebellions for Civ 6?

    Does anyone remember or played "Rise of Mankind" mod for Civilization IV, made by a user named Aforess? It was a massive extension of the Civilization game and included two of probably the most important game changers of any mod - Barbarian civilizations and Civil Wars. Basically, if a...
  6. P

    Sevopedia index broken

    Hello Just installed this mod and given it's huge content changes was excited that the civilopedia was also included. However, it currently does not show any index content past the letter E. Is this is known problem? Is there a fix available? Is there an ability to get at the content of the...
  7. R

    New Dynamic CIV names

    Hey everyone! I'm here looking to update the Dynamic CIV names mod as the update 1068 added a lot of new civics and it was based off of the old Rise of Mankind civics, I believe.
  8. P

    [BTS] Rise of Mankind: Elizabeth / Prince level

    Pre-amble: Hi, this is a strategy guide / walk through looking at a game of Civ IV: Rise of Mankind mod. I'm playing as Elizabeth of England, on Prince level, on the RoM_PerfectWorld2 map. I'm a rotter for getting hooked into a game, and, chasing a Wonder perhaps, smashing the Return key; so...
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