
  1. Lonecat Nekophrodite

    Cental African Civs in Civ7?

    These referred to peoples that had Mandekalus. 1. What should be the name of these civs? Songhai or Mali? 2. Who else should be newcomers from there??
  2. M

    Best Religion for Songhai Warmonger

    I've looked through the forums, there appears to be contradictory advice. Assume Deity, Pangaea. Pantheon: 1) God of Commerce (because of early river city connections) EDIT: Less good after March 1 Beta Release. 2) God of War 3) Goddess of Protection Founder Belief: Many have suggested Hero...
  3. Hippie_Peace_man

    Why Can I Never Get Incan Starts Like This?

    So many mountains... but I was playing on Songhai WHY!?
  4. besset

    Warring overpowered?

    Ever since i started playing vox populi and tried authority for the first time and won, i have found it to be the best and easiest way to win in vox populi. Especially on higher difficulties i feel it really shines. I may be wrong though but these are some of my thoughts. First of all the AI in...
  5. Liufeng

    Vote for your 3 civs you would most like to see (Part VI : Maghreb and West Africa) ?

    Hello everyone, the poll comes out a bit earlier than usual because I simply won't have time to do it tomorrow. Today, we change continents and go to Africa. PLEASE READ THIS POST BEFORE POSTING things like "where's "x" african civ ?". It was really hard to come up with a good division among...
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