Greetings CivFanatics! Welcome back to another civilization game, this time we have fun playing the Indonesian empire in order to really take advantage of the recent buffs to coastal cities.
We have a pretty awesome coastal start with three reefs within our capitals borders!
Game parameters...
Civ Fanatics Competition: Fastest STANDARD SETTINGS Deity Diplomatic Victory
Welcome to the Civ Fanatics Competition (CFC) where we will find out who can pull off the fastest deity diplomatic victory on a game with ALL STANDARD SETTINGS!
Everyone plays Civ with their own 'standard' I know...
Civ Fanatics Competition: Fastest STANDARD SETTINGS Deity Religious Victory
Welcome to the Civ Fanatics Competition (CFC) where we will find out who can pull off the fastest deity religious victory on a game with ALL STANDARD SETTINGS!
Everyone plays Civ with their own 'standard' I know, but...
Civ Fanatics Competition: Fastest STANDARD SETTINGS Deity Domination Victory
Welcome to the Civ Fanatics Competition (CFC) where we will find out who can pull off the fastest deity domination victory on a game with ALL STANDARD SETTINGS!
Everyone plays Civ with their own 'standard' I know...
Civ Fanatics Competition: Fastest STANDARD SETTINGS Deity Culture Victory
Welcome to the Civ Fanatics Competition (CFC) where we will find out who can pull off the fastest deity culture victory on a game with ALL STANDARD SETTINGS!
Everyone plays Civ with their own 'standard' I know, but the...
Civ Fanatics Competition: Fastest STANDARD SETTINGS Deity Science Victory
Welcome to the Civ Fanatics Competition (CFC) where we will find out who can pull off the fastest deity science victory on a game with ALL STANDARD SETTINGS!
Everyone plays Civ with their own 'standard' I know, but the...
Greetings civfanatics!
So I am changing things up a little bit with this newest play-through of civilization 6. I am trying out a faster pace (standard speed) and trying to have more focused episodes, constructive feedback is welcome!
For this series, I wanted to try see how fast that I could...
Hello Everyone,
I am new to CivFanatics and was just wondering if anyone would be interested in watching a Video LP that I am doing. I have only posted two videos so far and will be posting videos daily for Civilization VI. I have been playing Civilization since Civ III and have always loved...
Hello everybody.
Since recent change limiting number of units, I'm curious if I am on the lower side that thinks that games were still too long, and total turns per game too low (at least before 2-27).
There are several ways of making a game longer:
- Engaging in wars more often (a must when...
Hey guys,
In this playthrough we try to win with religion! :D
Civ: Randomed Norway
Game Speed: Quick
Map Size: Standard
Map Type: Continents
Difficulty: Immortal
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