stave church

  1. Brixter

    Reefs and Ocean Shipwrecks buff Stave Church, Aquarium, Harbor and God of the Sea

    I think that coastal resources are too scarce so I added Reefs as another bonus providing feature to water-related abilities. Features: 1. God of the Sea pantheon gives +1 Faith to Reefs. 2. Norway's Stave Church gives +1 Production to Reefs. 3. Aquarium gives +1 Science, and Stave Church...
  2. Ghenghis Jason

    Stave Church and Hercules (2 bugs, maybe 3)

    Playing on PS4 with the latest version, noted in standard game, English language. First- Playing as Norway, the Stave Church description is in Spanish (and only that one section) in the initial load screen when resuming a game. Second- the hero Hercules- his ability to destroy and pillage...
  3. megabearsfan

    [GS] A General Strategy for Harald Hardrada's Norway

    I've been remiss lately about posting content on social media and forums, and am trying to catch up. A few weeks ago, I posted another strategy guide on my blog. This one is for Harald Hardrada of Norway, who was requested by my supporters, and who had his leader abilities changed in the...
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