
  1. KayAU

    ARA UI tips and tricks

    One of the most common criticisms agains Ara is that the there is simply too much to manage, and that the UI is too fiddly. While both are fair criticisms, I also sometimes see people complain about things missing which are actually there. So, I thought maybe it might be helpful to create a...
  2. GarryLLC

    How to increase land appeal?

    Hi! I never cared too much about land apeal, since I mostly play scientific/religious games, but now that they added preserves it is sooo much more valuable. Anyway, I wanted to ask you how to increase land appeal (I'm only aware of preserves themselves and Eiffel Tower). I play deity, and have...
  3. Talis_eldar

    [GS] General Tips and Sharing experience

    Version 0.1 Created by: Talis_Eldar Disclaimer: Share all those information as you wish everywhere, but saying thanks will bring you extra karma:D Created Date: 25.02.2020 Scope: Gathering Storm Introduction First of all, there is no perfect scenario in Civilization. Do not forget that every...
  4. H

    [R&F] *Video* First 100 (or so) turns, build order/strats for peaceful victory immortal difficulty

    I just completed my first game as Pericles, 250 turns culture victory immortal difficulty, and wanted to hear what people's general strat was for getting ahead early at that difficult level. Feel free to include build orders, I'll list what I have below. EDIT: After reading a couple responses i...
  5. vintage_gamer

    Great person farm advice?

    Civ 4 (vanilla) is the 1st game in the series I tried. I've read through about the 2 most recent pages of threads but can't seem to get past Noble. The game I'm playing now is noble, huge, continents, Indian woman (spiritual organized) as leader. What could I do differently to be better? I...
  6. KommissarReb

    How I won on Explorer against a small REF

    I saw people having trouble handling a big Royal Expeditionary Force (REF), not getting enough liberty bells, or winning. I believe I have figured out the winning strategy, although it can be highly situational. Here I shall tell you how I won, and that even you can possibly learn something from...
  7. B

    Should You Move Your First Settler?

    I look into this question here and would love to hear feedback from all of you about my opinion and whether or not this is a good strategy.
  8. A

    Pax Brittanica - Let’s Play England Islands on Emperor Difficulty

    Only just realised I haven't made a post here for my new series, playing England on a lovely island map, demonstrating raking the AI over the coals with stupid British naval supremacy. Also, I'll be doing silly exploits for funsies. Playlist here.
  9. A

    Top 3 Most Broken Exploits Currently (pre Fall patch)

    Civilization VI has a few pretty bad exploits. Here are the Top 3 most horrendously OP exploits available to you right now to abuse the AI and your friends. These are just what I've found from my few dozen hours so far into the newest Civ; I imagine they'll be fixed eventually, but until...
  10. J

    Few Tips I picked up online

    Hello all, Went looking for them helpful tips and tricks today and found a few that may make your life easier. Add any you have, remember nothing is too basic or too complicated (i hope lol). I do not take credit for these, found them online 1) WASD Scrolling Navigate to the game’s UI...
  11. avl8

    Unstoppable Bismarck detailed guide (Work in progress)

    Hi, guys! Id like to share with you a detailed guide to Germany on Immortal and below difficulties. I've fallen in love with Bismarck Vox Populi gameplay and I hope you'll have fun playing with it. Germany is a very strong and versatile civilization. Its also a rather difficult nation to master...
  12. avl8

    How to bribe AI into war?

    Is it even possible in the latest patch? It doesnt look like its possible for me, but Im pretty sure theres some method to manipulate AI that I dont know of...
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