trade routes

  1. FlammieJerynZ

    [BNW] How we can make Trade Routes use Routes (Roads and Railroads) like normal Units via the DLL?

    Good day or night everyone! I hope you all be okay. I was thinking if can be possible to allow Trade Routes (Internal or International) to use Roads and/or Railroads (just like the other Units) benefiting from their Movement bonuses via modifying the BNW DLL. This can be possible? Thank you in...
  2. raen

    Portugal & Joao III TWEAKS 1.0

    Makes more sense to gain Trade Capacity meeting coastal city states for João, and meeting Civs for Portugal trait. Credits: @Infixo ´s Real Fixes: Elizabeth
  3. Galaphile0125

    A Question on Restoring Trade

    Hey guys I was wondering if it was possible to restore the ability to send multiple trade routes to the same city. Is there a file in the CBP I can mess with to get that back? Any help would be appreciated.
  4. cammcken

    Will transport AI stop at a settlement in the same path as a shipment in progress?

    There's no good way to write that title. Let me explain. Let's say I have three settlements directly in a line: A ---- B ---- C Let's say A and C are major cigar manufacturers. Other settlements feed them tobacco and they produce some tobacco on their own. If I want to make sure both A and C...
  5. jarcast2

    [BNW] Hybrid land-sea trade routes starting from inland cities and passing through coastal cities?

    Hi everyone. After a long break I resumed working on my mod projects, and specifically the Etruscans. I've read that the major inland Etruscan cities built coastal settlements called epineia (harbor in Greek) to use as sea trading hubs like Pyrgi for the city of Caere and Gravisca for Tarquinii...
  6. R

    Trade routes help please!

    So I've been playing Civ 4 since it came out, aced I and II, IV is fun to play but has always had me stumped at the Noble level, particularly on Beyond the Sword. I'm sure it's because I don't have the first clue on trade routes with other countries. One articles talks about an Export/Import...
  7. B

    Trade Route Length Formula

    I have a question. Forgive me if this has already been answered somewhere else, if so please show me where. What is the formula for how long/how many turns a trade route will last before it has to be renewed/moved etc? I assume it is a combination of distance of trade route + if one or both...
  8. N

    [R&F] CQUI - Trade routes are messed up

    Hi Having problems with trade routes in CQUI, it only shows a few cities, sometimes city states with a quest but no other yields, and when i click on a destination city there no indication of what route the trader will choose. I'm new to CQUI, so maybe I've got some settings wrong? Did look...
  9. G

    Cannot send trade routes nor see happiness modifiers?

    Hi all, After receiving some advice from this community, I have "upgraded" my game from the November 2018 version to the new January version. Everything seemed to start off good, but then I realized I cannot send trade anybody. AI civs, city states, and even myself. I also cannot...
  10. pineappledan

    Internal vs. External Trade Route Yield Mix

    I posted this earlier in the 01-15 patch notes: Then G said: So let's discuss. How might Culture be dealt with in External and Internal Trade Routes, so that they might make ITRs a viable counterplay option against a civ going for a CV?
  11. H

    [R&F] Trade Route Arrows Tank Framerate

    Whenever I click on a trader, my frames drop from around 60fps to like 1 and I get a massive lag spike as well. I think it's because the white arrows are too intensive for my PC to load (which is weird, because I run the game pretty smoothly). Is there a way to remove these arrows completely...
  12. pineappledan

    Modding help - lua for trade routes

    Hi there, I'm working on a compatibility patch for the Canadian civ, and I am getting a crash when using a code for their UA What it does: On move, Internal land trade routes claim tiles The Code: function YorkFactoryExpress(iPlayer, iUnit, iX, iY) local pPlayer = Players[iPlayer]...
  13. washy

    All city connections (river, trade and airport)

    Rivers require river harbor in both cities, trade routes require a caravansary in both cities and airport connections two airports. The river harbor, that connects the cities and gives your city +1 food. Require DLL - Various Mod Components.
  14. washy

    Trade routes create city connections

    Trade routes create city connections if both cities have caravansary. Require DLL - Various Mod Components.
  15. Lord.L.

    Trade routes in computer cities

    I often notice that when I capture enemy cities they already have trade routes to cities that are very far. I'm sure that they couldn't make them with caravans (never seen any enemy caravans). How do they make them?
  16. D

    Late game performance issues

    Hi guys, Just wanted to make a list of performance issues I observed during my games in CIV 6 R&F. Not many for a moment, the R&F is live for only 2 weeks. (all points are observed in normal, not strategical view during atomic and information eras)* Negative performance points : Trade routes...
  17. M

    [BNW] Trade Route Issues.

    I go to available trade routes to find the best routes. I see a Geneva to Kabul caravan route as shown here. Then I go to make the route, and it is not there as shown here. The route is within "range" as shown here. Can anyone help? I'm running on Win 7 Home Premium The only mode I have on is...
  18. Spirictum

    Rethinking the Trade Routes System

    Following what we've been talking in the 'I want to help this mod' thread, I started this thread so we can come together with ideas for redesigning the Trade Routes System. For non-modders: Simply put, it takes too long when the number of routes per city gets high enough, and the number of...
  19. nuvakaita

    [] Trade screen/policies changes causing crash

    I've been having a few issues where my game is crashing during moments that seem to strain the game. Both of these happened before the latest patch as well. This happens in pure vanilla; no mods. Here are the common scenarios: - I'm playing a large game/deep end-game and I'm managing 35+ trade...
  20. clif9710

    Hiawatha's forest roads take time to become active

    I play regularly as Hiawatha and I have noticed that the forest roads between my cities don't take immediate effect as I'd expect them to. I've verified that I have Wheel technology and that there is forest or jungle in a complete path between cities - yet turns go by without trade routes being...
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