[Vanilla] [] Persian Immortals unable to melee attack (for the most part)


Mar 19, 2018
Hiya, playing on Vanilla, with the latest patch, just bought Persia and Macedon.
So apparently in the 2017 fall update, Immortals were changed so they would melee as their normal attack and would only use ranged if the ability was selected. On the version I am running currently (, their ranged attack ability is available, but regardless of whether I select it or not, my Immortals are always defaulting to their ranged attack. I've tried pressing the a key (default attack) and they still do ranged. In the pre-battle calculations it appears as if they would take damage as if trading in melee combat, but when told to attack, will take none, and still ranged attack. Searching various community forums I found an obscure workaround where if they start 3 tiles away from their target, they can in fact engage in melee, given the +2 movement from Fall of Babylon, but surely this cannot be working as intended?
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Screenshot for clarity.


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Hi, I am just writing to confirm the above observation as I just discovered it some 150 turns into my game as Persia. Since this was a bug early on and was fixed, and now is apparently bugged again (unless this was a nerf) this is really, really annoying. Persia is pretty much ruined by this, unless you just want to have neither a working UU nor any heavy infantry in the early game.

Edit: PS: At the time I posted this, I had forgotten that I am in fact playing R&F, latest patch, with Caps Lock mod on. I suppose there is a possibility that Caps Lock is causing this but that seems unlikely; still, as I am using a mod I realize that I will need to try a pure vanilla game with R&F to verify this.
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no unfortunately they changed them indefinitely it seems they cannot melee cities anymore which is absolutely ridiculous feelsbadman...
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