[] Late game (turn 300+) instability on larger than vanilla maps


Super Moderator
Oct 4, 2004
This is a problem with the game's engine that is exposed by mods, but can not been fixed by mods, similar to the Builder Lag issue.

I know it doesn't happen in the base game, meaning that I can't expect it to be fixed, but given the number of demands I got from YnAMP's users, I feel that I have to at least report it too, and I suppose Firaxis has some feedback on their side to assess if fixing it for their customers that like larger maps is worth the development time.

That issue was first introduced in the Summer 2017 Update ( and is even worst since the Gathering Storm Launch Update (


  • At release in 2016 the game's stability on larger maps was extremely impressive compared to civ5, we could play full games on 230x116 maps with all civs and CS without any crashes at all, the only requirement was patience and a video card with at least 6 GB of VRAM.
  • With the Summer 2017 Update (, 230x116 maps would now crash on launch, but "smaller" big maps at 200x100 were still rock stable full game. Strangely, I got report from Win7 users that they could still play at 230x116 but I could not test that, my two PC are running on win10.
  • With the Gathering Storm Launch Update (, large maps up to 200x100 are still loading, but now the game is very unstable in late game for any map bigger than 128x80 (that's civ5 huge maps), with hard crashes occuring at turns 300+ on all version of the game. For Gathering Storm, a reproducible cause has been identified, the first ocean water rising. Crashes can also occur on "reveal all" console command (or discovering Satellites).
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Tested, same issues.

- crash on sea level rising on size > 128x80
- largest map size that was rock stable in 2016 (230x116) still don't load
- random crashes at giant size (180x90) in late game even without sea rising
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I too lament the loss of the YNAMP's largest maps for Civ6. (They are, by far, the most beautiful ones available!)

The only mod I use is YNAMP.
I always deliberately set sea level to low so civs have plenty of room to expand.
Before the latest upgrade I finished at least 50 games at marathon pace, each lasting >1500 turns.
Look what happens now, well before 200 turns!

I have used the same computer for over 2 years: i7-4790K CPU@4.00GHz, 16Gb RAM, GTX 970, Win7, DX11.
I uninstalled the previous version of ynamp, cleaned out the .sql files and logs etc, and installed the new version. (After rebooting to make sure that I had a "clean machine".)


LATE EDIT: I cleaned out all mods, logs, sql files and started a game using a standard issue Fractal map. It went well until I loaded the saved game the next day. The same graphic bug as shown in the 2nd attachment occurred.

Someone else in the discussion of the latest release noted a similar error too. He put it down to the mods he was using, but it seems it can happen with plain vanilla G&S.
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Necrobump! I've been getting random late-game crashes on a Huge map (128x80); could this also be related to the aforementioned bug? I'm asking because I don't know whether or not instability has been reported for maps of that size, as the OP mentions map sizes larger than 128x80.
Necrobump! I've been getting random late-game crashes on a Huge map (128x80); could this also be related to the aforementioned bug? I'm asking because I don't know whether or not instability has been reported for maps of that size, as the OP mentions map sizes larger than 128x80.
I had run a few full autoplay games at that size (128x80) without unrecoverable crashes (ie the game could always advance further from the last auto-save), while I'll never been able to run a full autoplay game for bigger maps since the GS patch.
I had run a few full autoplay games at that size (128x80) without unrecoverable crashes (ie the game could always advance further from the last auto-save), while I'll never been able to run a full autoplay game for bigger maps since the GS patch.

That sounds about right. Apart from the deterministic "coastal flooding" crashes, I've had a couple that don't necessarily replicate after loading autosaves - but those inevitably happen again after a few turns, both on mine and the AI's turns.
I would love to see stability restored to the larger maps. Massive earth maps are my favorite way to play this game and the ones offered by YnAMP are incredibly well designed and fun to play. It is incredibly frustrating to not be able to play these great maps on Gathering Storm knowing that the game cannot continue past the first sea level rise (which has happened in every game with enormous sized maps). Support for large maps would be such a wonderful addition for the game.
  • With the Summer 2017 Update (, 230x116 maps would now crash on launch, but "smaller" big maps at 200x100 were still rock stable full game. Strangely, I got report from Win7 users that they could still play at 230x116 but I could not test that, my two PC are running on win10.

Could it be the infamous W10 memory standby list issue here again? I know it can cause stutter/lag and even crash on some recent engine, and is solvable through little app auto cleaning it. I use this one, may worth a try maybe if you have time to spare.
I don't know, it was still stable when downgrading to version (28-Mar-17) of the game with Windows 10.

But I'll keep that in mind for a potential test, thanks.
Someone pointed on Steam IIRC that for the largest size crashing on load, it seems to be a allocation issue

extract from Renderer.log:
[2020-04-25 22:59:20]    PSO creation took 0.825176 seconds
[2020-04-25 22:59:20]    Growing UpdateSubresource invocations
[2020-04-25 22:59:20]    IncFrame:1
[2020-04-25 22:59:26]    AppHost::WndProcEx(): Window change detected, resizing buffers...
[2020-04-25 22:59:26]    IncFrame:2
[2020-04-25 22:59:26]    IncFrame:3
[2020-04-25 22:59:26]    IncFrame:4
[2020-04-25 22:59:26]    IncFrame:5
[2020-04-25 22:59:26]    IncFrame:6
[2020-04-25 22:59:26]    IncFrame:7
[2020-04-25 22:59:26]    IncFrame:8
[2020-04-25 22:59:26]    IncFrame:9
[2020-04-25 22:59:26]    IncFrame:10
[2020-04-25 22:59:26]    IncFrame:11
[2020-04-25 22:59:26]    IncFrame:12
[2020-04-25 22:59:26]    IncFrame:13
[2020-04-25 22:59:26]    IncFrame:14
[2020-04-25 22:59:26]    IncFrame:15
[2020-04-25 22:59:29]    Growing UpdateSubresource invocations
[2020-04-25 22:59:36]    Growing UpdateSubresource invocations
[2020-04-25 23:06:03]    Error: ResourceList.AddResource(), attempting to add more than 32768 items.
[2020-04-25 23:06:03]    Error: ResourceList.AddResource(), attempting to add more than 32768 items.
[2020-04-25 23:06:03]    Error: ResourceList.AddResource(), attempting to add more than 32768 items.
[2020-04-25 23:06:03]    Error: ResourceList.AddResource(), attempting to add more than 32768 items.
I was having the same issue on the YnAMP large Earth map starting around turn 370, and have found a solution that seems to be working so far.

I found the following link on Reddit while searching for a possible fix: https://www.reddit.com/r/civ/comments/av5win/psa_potential_fix_for_late_game_crash_while_using/

It reads as follows:

"I, and many others have experienced a crash while using YNAMP map mods. Crash happens during late game. Exact time of crash is variable and probably depends on your map setup.

At least 4 people I have spoken to have managed to stop the crashing by disabling the 'high resolution geometry' option."

I was at the point that I was no longer able to load my saved game without Civ crashing. After turning off high resolution geometry, I was able to load my saved game, and I have now played 30 turns where before it was crashing every 2 turns.

I hope this will help others.

Before this fix, I had tried updating to the latest Nvidia drivers which did not help. I had also tried the Intellgent standby list cleaner that was posted earlier in this thread, and that also did not work.

And Gedemon, thanks for the amazing maps, I've been playing them for a decade now I think. :thumbsup:
Thanks but let me know if you manage to pass the first water raising turn, AFAIK even with all graphic option to the minimum, it crashes at Giant Size.

For the record, I've also tried the tool to clean the memory standby issue, no luck either, the crash log above was made while it was running, and I've also run an auto-play game up to the turn before water raising with it, and the next turn it crashes when the changes from water raising are applied (even in strategic view mode)
Thanks but let me know if you manage to pass the first water raising turn, AFAIK even with all graphic option to the minimum, it crashes at Giant Size.

For the record, I've also tried the tool to clean the memory standby issue, no luck either, the crash log above was made while it was running, and I've also run an auto-play game up to the turn before water raising with it, and the next turn it crashes when the changes from water raising are applied (even in strategic view mode)

I should have mentioned that I am playing Rise and Fall. I avoided playing GS because of the crashing problem, but was disappointed when I encountered crashes on Rise and Fall too.
all map revealed (with the Satellites tech) yet ?
Update: still crashing on Sea rising with on the Giant Earth Map
Update, so I disabled sea level rising mid game. Crash fixed. Then a bit later I experienced the satellite reveal crash. After disabling high res geometry I was able to continue. But who knows how long for.

Does Firaxis view these threads?
Thank you, here is the logs folder and .dmp from a crash happening at the beginning of the turn when the sea level rising effect is applied on the Giant Earth Map (180x94)

Spoiler screenshot :


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