[NFP] []Nalanda Free Tech Bug


Jul 18, 2020
Nalanda's UI grants a free tech. But it can be abused -- if you have a Mahavihara and lost suzerainty, you get another free tech when you get suzerainty back. If you use Amani to lose and gain back suzerainty immediately then it become an exploit -- here is a demo: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1sa411w7pJ (Chinese website)

  • Type: Scientific
  • Suzerain Bonus: City-State and their Suzerain can build the Mahavihara improvement.
  • Mahavihara: +2 Science and +1 Housing. +1 Faith for every adjacent Holy Site and +1 Science for every adjacent Campus district. After researching Scientific Theory, receive an additional +1 Science for every adjacent Campus. When a player constructs their first Mahavirhara receive a random technology. Must be built on flat terrain not adjacent to another Mahavihara.
I just came on here to post this, so I can confirm it to be true. I built their UI and got a free tech early on (Military Tactics), lost suzerainity a bit later, regained suzerainity, and then received the Buttress tech for free despite not getting the Eureka (I am playing as Babylon).
Ditto here, I moved Amani to a different city-state and lost suzerainty and then sent a couple envoys to make up the difference and immediately was granted a new tech.
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