1.18 Colombia UHV


Dec 18, 2021
The Khanate of Kazan
Well, it can be done even on epic speed. But will require some pre-birth game, coz you can spend tons of time, waiting Spain colonise Grenada and build something usefull here.
Since i was playing with Inca - i decide to switch to Colombia and try them (finally i got Colombian UHV, i was always short in time even on Marathon in 1.17)
All you need - settle couple of cites in Grenada. Thats all. Of cause if you improve them - be much better. You need Caracas, Riohacha (2nd Core city) and Ciudad de Panama. You'll get 2 Legion in each city - so your started army be bigger.

I switch to democracy, Caste System (food for Bogota), FreeEnt, and Clergy. You can switch to Slavery, if there any workers around to capture.
I got a lot of GE but couldn't use them, since all industrial wonders was build before i discovered them. I only got Guadalupe Basilica (since i left it in building status by Inca, but Argentina usually build it, so you'll get it anyway) and also i was able build Molle Antonelliana in Inca's city later. So better get GS first to bubble Chemistry. Maybe you'll need spare some GP for GA. I got GA in 1906 for completing 3UHV (so sell resources as mad)
Science - Chemistry, Ballistic, Flight (you'll need Howitzer vs Machineguns), Microbiology to grow Core cites. Also i build some Courthouse only in big cites, and then only by settlers in Global Era. So Your core can handle in Global Peru and Argentina w\o problems.
I left Inca to strong, so spend a lot of turns to beat them, then Argentina and Brasil. Then you build up Bogota - start building second army to attack Brasil from 2 side. Legions with generals will be your T-800, but some riffles need to protect them, don't let them moving alone. And don't lose your starter canons. Use them only for bombarding.
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Actually, you can play without pre game, imo
You can build 2 settlers quiet fast in Bogata with CS and Redistribution. And if Inca dead - capture Andes fast. And on marathon you'll get a lot of time to capture all South America.
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