Well, here you've got 6 months of requests, bug reports and suggestions rolled into a patch. I've been collecting reports up to tonight (see wonders destroyed on conquest thread). Hope you leave that bugs thread alone for a while!
One more thing. As you can see, in the end I decided not to add Meiji and Philip II for now. While quite good, there were still some problems and perhaps their best collocation is in a optional leaderpack that could contain other leaders too.
I'll upload soon the updated MP and RAND versions. For now, my next task is a RAND-only patch, then move on to the next project.
v1.986 v1.486 v1.186 LOG
- At last weve got a decent Alexander!°°
- Greece does not start with Metal Casting anymore, but have 1 more phalanx°°
- In 600AD China and Japan start again with Machinery, taking away Feudalism
- In 3000BC Arabia starts without Sailing°°
- Mongolia starts with Mathematics°°
- Aztecs and Incas start with Monarchy°°
- Amerindian civs are enabled to hire European mercenaries after 15 turns of the first city of a Euro civ in contact is founded on American soil, rather than immediately at the founding°°
- American and African civs now collapse to native and barbarian civs instead of independents, for a good part of the timeline. Same with secessions°
- Civs can collapse into barbarian cities (other than independents and natives) for an extended period (up to 1400 instead of 1000). This will create a bit more of civil-war disorder in the city mixture°
- Checks for secession are done more often and start earlier. Youll see many more single cities declaring independence°°
- Collapse does not imply total death for the human player. Now he can preserve more than one city, depending on the extension of the empire before the civil war°°
- Civs now can start at war with each other before meeting. It happens randomly with civs that spawn and are supposed to conquer the neighbours. Sometimes its enough to see a more aggressive AI°°
- Russian goal requires now 7 cities in Siberia instead of 3. If the AI can do it, why cant you?°°
- More defensive units added to Mongolian start°°
- Chariots added to the mix of Persian starting units (old immortal replaced chariots, which is inaccurate since we know that Persians used them in battles)°°
- Bowman causes collateral damage (40%, close to a catapult) instead of bonus against melee°
- The Immortal, as it's the only completely inaccurate unit in the game, is replaced with a real immortal: a spearman that costs less (25) (for representing the ease of recruiting a constant 10000 men army) and has 100% attack against archers (Babylonian Bowmen included)°°
- Quechua now replaces axeman (and will get its stats) instead of warrior, and requires mining (so that it isnt necessary to give bronze working to Inca, like previously did with Aztecs)°°
- Keshik: instead of +50% against siege, 3 movement to cover Asia's long distances°°
- Jaguar: attack back to 6°°
- Panzer: no 50% against tanks; Commando and 25% attacking infantry and riflemen°°
- Updated city names and settler maps°°
- Discovery of medicine now sets plague to 1 turn left°°
- AI now refuses gifts of plague-infected cities from the human player

- Espionage missions that harm other civs stability slightly more expensive
- Tweaked Greek research bonus and preferences°°
- Turkish UP slightly less strong°
- Constantinopolis is now better defended in 600 AD start
- UHV text now completely displayed in victory panel°°
- The Apostolic Palace wont force peace to civs that are not at war. To be tested, please give feedback
- Tuned Japanese, Mongolian, Malinese, Dutch and Portuguese strength°°
- Improved some debug code°°
- Barbarians are slightly stronger against the AI°
- Increased research cost in 600AD start
- Added Cyprus as a mountain°°
- Retouched Indian and Australian resources°°
- Collapse checks enabled from earlier (they were following the old timeline)°°
- Heavy respawn code should now be faster°°
- Smaller area for triggering conquerors for Inca (workboats wandering in the Atlantic shouldnt trigger anymore, unless close to the upper coast)°°
- Europe slightly less receptive of Islamic spreading°°
- Secessions are possible even in collapsing area, not only between -40 and -20°°
- On the other hand, collapse checks are slightly less frequent°°
- Updated a few dynamic civ names. Thanks to star15389°°
- Fascist dynamic civ names will be more frequent, as now Nationhood, too, can mark a civ as fascist°°
- More barbarian pressure on Mali°
- Disabled code that turns barbarian cities into independent°
- Landsknechts can now be hired
- Corporations now have less silly names
- Stability expansion rating should be less easy as Mongolia and Turkey°°
- Mongolia now expands towards south-west more, leaving Siberia free to Russia°°
- Natives included in the conquerors group°°
- Fixed some inaccuracies: Quechua renamed Quechua Warrior, Modern Armor renamed Main Battle Tank, Praetorian renamed Legion (and changed model)°°
- Numidian cavalry now ignores desert movement cost (added by SDK)°
- Numidian cavalry costs 40 shields instead of 50°
- Camel Archer has 25% chance of withdrawing instead of 15%
- East Indiaman has 4 cargo instead of 5
- Holkan has +25% against melee in addition to the current bonuses
- Fixed some city and civ names and accents°°
- Fixed blacksmith and horse whispering events
- Techs are now correctly assigned to respawning civs, which will now get appropriate garrisons°°
- Fixed python exception*
- Fixed stability hit on spawn, which was targeting mostly only Egypt and India°°
- Egyptian goal gets immediately set as failed instead of waiting next building built°°
- Restored a part of code lost in the update to 3.19, which was important for triggering the world wars mechanism
- War declarations chain reaction wont cause masters declaring war to their vassals°
- Japanese old UHV disabled*
- Apollo program-related Russian UHV triggers correctly°°
- Byzantines wont build Notre Dame anymore
- Time left for cottage upgrade now displayed correctly°°
- France should now have less gold in order to allow Mali UHV°°
- First to build a city in America goal now immediately set as failed when someone else does it°°
- Corrected coordinates of Viking spawn area°
- Corrected formulas of stability changes due to GNP variations, because of python division. It should now work as intended. Many thanks to Soda°°
- Carthaginian goal now correctly counts only coastal plots that are adjacent only to Mediterranean°
- Dead civs wont respawn with just one city°°
- Re-added some low quality icons (due to image compression)°
- Aztecs wont flip New Orleans on respawn°°
- Moai Statues arent destroyed on conquest