1 Turn left


Jun 17, 2003

I have 1 turn left on X tech, if I put reasearch on zero an still have 1 turn left what does this meen?? Will I

A...Have more coin??

B...Have less Re for nex tek??

C...I'm too drunk??
Uh.............C? :crazyeye:

By the way, your signature has a misspelling. I believe it's dying, not dieing. But hey, have another drink?
It's true though.

How many wars have been won by playing dice?

Whether it was Patton who realised that is questionable though.
Meateater said:
I have 1 turn left on X tech, if I put reasearch on zero an still have 1 turn left what does this meen?? Will I

A...Have more coin??

B...Have less Re for nex tek??

C...I'm too drunk??

Option B - you get less research overflow towards your next tech. You're just picking up a bit of gold at the expense of slowing your next tech.
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