12 may motherday!


FYI, I chase trains.
Mar 24, 2002
Bourgondische Kreitz
What will you do on motherday?
Ignore it?
Give your mother a present?
Do you think its to commercial?
Help your mother for one day?
I do this on motherday:i buy a postcard i put then my thanks in it like:mother you always helped me in my darkest days
you are the one i really trust.
thanks to you i exist.you where always ready for me to help me.
Everyday you gave me food you washed my clothes cleaned the house.you do everything for me and not to complain about it.
my mother you are my dearest person.
after that i make breakfat for her
then i will walk with her in the park and we close the evening by letting her watch her favorite movie.
and you?
what will you do?
I will be my gift to my mom on Mother's Day, because that's the day I'm coming home :D
I think in consideration of how badly my degree is going I should get my mum a mother's day present...it might just save my life :)
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